Increase the damage of Blast Shot by 150 and reduce the Cooldown by 2s.
Blast Shot

Blast Shower
Blast Shot's Cooldown is reduced by 0.5-2.5s for every enemy hit.
Blast Shot

Reduce the Cooldown of Disengage by 1-5s.

Disengage reduces the Cooldown of Dodge Roll by 1-5s if it hits a target.

Your first shot after rolling reduces the cooldown of Dodge Roll by 0.5-2.5s if it hits.
Dodge Roll

Dropping below 15-75% health resets the cooldown of Dodge Roll.
Blast Shower at 5, paired with Impulse, practically resets the cooldown of Blast Shot back to 0 if you hit 3 players at once.
When using Impulse, the cooldown of Blast Shot is 8 seconds. Blast Shower at 5 reduces the cooldown of Blast Shot by 2.5 seconds per enemy. If you hit 3 at once, that's 7.5 seconds gone, so Blast Shot's cooldown is only half a second.
Territorial at 3 brings the cooldown of Disengage down to 9 seconds. That's better than 12 seconds, obviously.
Excitement at 2 reduces the cooldown of Dodge Roll by 2 seconds if you hit an enemy with Disengage.
Incitement at 4 reduces the cooldown of Dodge Roll by 2 seconds if you hit an enemy with your first shot after rolling.
With this, you can role again in 1-2 seconds.
I added Somersault for emergency situations. 15% of Cassie's health (2200) is 330. This has saved me quite a few times. If you think it's too low and want to increase this card to 2 for 30% (660), I'd take it out of Incitement, bringing that down to 1.5 seconds.
This build has worked very well for me as I work my way up with her. I hope it helps others.