[7.1] Invincible GUARDIAN Nando

by Angeleur
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You now have 2 charges of Charge, each Charge deals an additional 100 damage, and you are Immune to Crowd Control while Charging, but the Cooldown of Charge is increased to 13s.
Heat Transfer
Reduce the Cooldown of Charge by 0.5-2.5s for every 1000 damage your Shield takes.
Safe Travel
Gain a 150-750-Health Shield for 3s after you use Charge.
Running Start
Increase your Movement Speed by 10-50% for 3s after using Charge.
Increase your maximum Health by 150-750.
Unstoppable Force
Apply a Knockback of 800-1600 to enemies hit by Charge.


As everyone, including Nando mains, is sleeping on this talent and hard pick Scorch (which is awesome too), I created a really cool, fun and damn effective build for this talent.

- The idea, quite a simple one after all, is to max the card that gives 2.5s less Charge CD so that you can charge nearly every 3-5s while having a 1.1k shield for every charge (they don't stack!) with good shield management (like volontarily taking some dredge/Willo bursts to get charges) is essential. As well as map awareness and counters (Drogoz being a pain in the a** while i prefer facing Dredge/Bomba/Willo than good Vik, Tyra, Lian etc).

Don't forget that you have CC IMMUNITY and knockback during the charge. You can run in a running Raum, body Block Atlas's rewind, Seris's ult then protect your team etc...

With, item wise, rejuvenate, haven/veteran (i find DR to be better for many reasons) and resi or even lethality for some fun. Agility can help and hoard too (for the Guardian/Rejuvenate/Haven route).

-> With Guardian Maxed, you get more than 6.5k shield (crucial for the CD card, 5.9k would be significantly worse) AND around 1.1k shield for EVERY charge that you make.

Of course there will be Wrecker. But when Guardian arrived, it created a counter (at least we have the option to force them into it even more) and in this build... IT'S ACTUALLY WELCOMED. Charge, attack, get your shield destroyed in 2s then double charge and repeat. Of course you can help your teammates even better with these easy and shielded charges...

*A point can be made in order to increase charge's distance, I tried it at 45%, and personnaly prefer the well needed speed that you get after charge, to get cover or finish a foe.
Also, more distance locks you longer in the animation so... not a fan.*

Anyway, as people in games told me they copied my build, used it, and had a ton of fun and victories, i decided to publish it. Feel free to use, copy and post it elsewhere and ENJOY!

PS: Card wise, don't touch the 2 cards at 5.
You can increase Health (to go over 5k and take veteran) and decrease speed after charge...
Or, if you want even more than 300k shielding per game, go with the shield regeneration one (10%), 180pvs/s when shielding or the always nice 10% more healing when under 50% health.
All around, a much more deadly, scarier and fun build than the "Chivalry" ones.