Mother's Grace
Earthen Guard gains 20% increased Damage Reduction and now grants CC Immunity.
Earthen Guard
Gain 14-70% Crowd Control reduction.
Standing Stones
Reduce the Cooldown of Warder's Field by 1-5s.
Warder's Field
Sacred Ground
Standing in Warder's Field grants you 5-25% Damage Reduction.
Warder's Field
Reduce the cooldown of Earthen Guard by 0.5-2.5s.
Earthen Guard
Stone Bulwark
Heal for 25-125 Health per second during Earthen Guard.
Earthen Guard
Sometimes I use Treacherous Ground with this.
Like some other Inaras this buffs her damage reduction in 2 abilities but also lowers the effect of any enemy Crowd Control on her.
When Earthen Guard and Warder's Field are used one after the other, there is about a 1 - 1.5 second window where one ability ends before the other is off cooldown presuming the stone from Warder's is not detroyed. Both abilities are on 8 second cooldowns so in a 16 second time period, you get roughly 6.5 - 7 seconds of Guard's damage reduction and 6.5 - 7 seconds of Field's weaker version with 2-3 seconds of no benefit.