Cooldown Reduction + Turrets

by Pirate Captain
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Modify your Blunderbuss to fire a single slug that deals 560 damage.
One Man's Treasure
Eliminations reduce active cooldowns by 10-50%
Healing Station
Standing near your Turret heals you for 45-225 Health per second.
Field Deploy
Reduce the Deploy Time of your Turret by 0.6-3s.
Forged Alloy
Increase the Health of your Turret by 175-875.
One Man's Scrap
When your Turret is destroyed heal for 100-500 over 5s.


Tinkerin over all other LC because it provides the highest consistent dps. Hair Trigger has potential to out-damage Tinkerin, but chances are that you aren't 5 inches away from your target at all times (hence "highest consistent").

This deck revolves around getting eliminations to reduce cooldowns, making One Man's Treasure V the most essential card in this deck. The other LC do reduce cooldowns. However, it is not as impactful as 50% reduction on ALL abilities with a single elimination. That dreadful 15 second cooldown on Barricade becomes a nice, round 0 if you help eliminate 2 enemies.

The rest of the deck is centered around utilizing turrets to their fullest potential. Healing Station III and One Man's Scrap I are cards that help you, and Field Deploy III and Forged Alloy III help your turrets. Standing near your turrets heals you, and placing a new turret down (or having it destroyed by the enemy) will give you 20 HP per second. Your turrets will also deploy faster and have more HP..

Combat Repair is not necessary because of One Man's Treasure V. This deck allows for quick movement of turrets as long as you get eliminations. Plus, manually destroying your turrets by placing a third one gives you extra healing.
