This works best with supports that can heal you from afar or when you don't have a reliable healer to keep you alive when standing on the point.
I've been playing with this build and have found great use in Yago's ablity to cause utter mayhem in the enemies backline. I recently found that I see its popular too.
At the start of fights, you wanna go into the enemy backlines with your Roll and spread the Corrosive Acid on the enemies and you wanna ram into the enemies with your Acceleration for an easy 500 damage. Then you wanna plant yourself and start doing damage to them normally just the acceleration and spit should be enough to kill most damage champions.
Use your Hardening whne you need to after planting. Using Hardening reduces the cooldown on Acceleration. Using quil will reduce cooldowns on your hardening. so Q>M1/M2/Q then F with form Swap and repeat the cycle or roll back to the objective or your healers.
The level one card The Great Worm can be replaced with Capacity if you like. But I perfer the tiny bit of shielding, As Roll form does not have any damage reduction so she's very vulnerable. Deadly persuit, Great worm and Violent Birth can really get you out of a pinch when you need to roll up out of a sticky situation.
Item priority: Resilience is a high priority item on Yagorath, since most cc will stun and interrupt her. so if the enemy has a ton of CC buy and max that first. Under normal games. Cauterize> Rejuv /liferip if the healer prefers to do nothing important> Resilience and some for of Damage Reduction if you are feeling cheeky.