Grumpy Spammer

by Requiesta de Silencia
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Grumpy Bomb destroys all shields when it explodes and its blast radius is increased by 30%
Grumpy Bomb
Reduce the cooldown of Grumpy Bomb by 0.5-2.5s.
Grumpy Bomb
Activating Grumpy Bomb heals you for 50-250.
Grumpy Bomb
King's Court
Heal for 15-75 for every Sticky Bomb Detonated
King's New Cloak
Gain 50-250 Health.
Royal Decree
Increase your Reload speed by 5-25% for 3s after using Detonate.


This build is especially useful for taking out enemy teams that rely a lot on Shields. Like most Bomb King builds though, you're going to have to get creative if you intend to use this on a siege style map as the Grumpy Bomb doesn't serve very well outside of defense.

You can replace King's New Cloak I with Jolt I for easier escapes.
You can replace Doomsday II with Explosive Entrance II for easier escapes.

Recommended progression:
Defense - Haven or Blast Shields (depending on the enemy)
Utility - Chronos (faster Grumpy Bomb cooldown)
Healing - Life Rip (you'll do a lot more damage than you will kill)
Attack - Cauterize or Deft Hands (match your enemy's team composition)

Stay out of the way of direct fire and toss Grumpy Bombs at the objective. Your goal is to keep the enemy team off the objective and to stun those who can't get away to make them easier for your allies to kill.
While your Grumpy Bomb is on cooldown, toss Sticky Bombs all over the objective and detonate. This will maintain your health and keep enemies weary of you. If they think that you'll be easy prey after detonating, Royal Decree IV will throw off their timing and turn the tables.
Save your Poppy Bomb for emergency situations. Either tossing a gang of enemies off your tank or escaping from a dangerous situation yourself. My favorite combination is to use Poppy Bomb after activating King Bomb. Get in, deal massive damage, stun, and get out. This combination works wonderfully with Skye and other glass cannons.

Buck. His mobility and shotgun make him a lethal threat. His bulk makes it easier to take sticky bombs onto him, but your bulk makes it easier to hit you with every pellet from a shotgun.
Skye. Her thin frame and mobility make her a lot harder to hit with your sticky bombs. Although not as bulky as you and not as lethal as Buck, a good Skye player can take you down fairly easily. If you find yourself playing against an enemy team with Skye, make sure you take Haven over Blast Shields.
