Heal for 250 Health per second during Hustle.

Fire in the Hole
Grenade generates 6-30 ammo for every enemy hit.
Frag Grenade

Speed Load
Kills and eliminations refund 6-30 ammo.

For every enemy player hit by Frag Grenade, reduce its cooldown by 1-5s.
Frag Grenade

Hot Potato
Reduce the cook time of Frag Grenade by 10-50%
Frag Grenade

Run and Gun
Gain 2-10 ammo per second during Hustle.
Hey guys, this is my first guide here and today we'll be discussing this Viktor deck. This build is based off hustle and frag grenade. You will want to hustle around frequently. While you hustle, Cardio and Run and Gun will let you regenerate health and gain 10 ammo per second. This is extremely helpful for a quick escape or a 1v1 battle. On the other hand, Grenadier will allow you to spam your grenades constantly which is incredibly annoying if you're on the opposing team. This will definitely get you to the top of the damage class. Also, you need to hold down your frag grenade(Q) for perfect timing. Not too late or it'll explode in the air, and not too early or it'll allow your opponents to escape. A perfect timing frag grenade will bounce off some walls, and explode right then and there making it unexpected. You don't need to reload often, because you can hustle. Iron Sights is helpful for long range, but Assault Rifle is much better in a 1v1 battle giving you more mobility. That's it for this guide, please like and share. I'll see you in the next one!