Just Keep Shooting

by HyperFC
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Opportunity in Chaos
After firing continuously for 2s, gain 20% increased damage.
Eyes on the Prize
Reduce recoil by 20-100% while using Precision Sights.
Precision Sights
Hidden Reserves
Every shot made in Precision Sights has a 8-40% chance to not cost ammo.
Precision Sights
Unchecked Ambition
Hitting a shot has a 12-60% chance to not cost ammo.
Unfair Advantage
Increase Deflector Shield's lifetime by 1-5s.
Deflector Shield
Plans Within Plans
Heal for 20-100 Health per second while Deflector Shield is active.
Deflector Shield


Opportunity in Chaos plays into Hidden Reserves and Unchecked Ambition being maxed out so that you may continue firing and picking up the extra 20% damage for a longer period of time. Shot that hit shields count so don't be afraid to bomb away against tanks, the bullets will just stay in your magazine. Plans Within Plans gives you a slight healing bump if you need it or have a healer who will be more focused on tanks up front. Unfair Advantage will give you that extra second of healing and shielding as well. Eyes on the Prize could be bumped up with a point if you want even more reduced recoil. You will not believe how long you can fire without reloading if you're even somewhat accurate, and keeping it down the iron sights keeps that 20% damage buff on top of whatever cards you're playing.
This build is most effective firing from medium to long distance. I don't put points into sensor drone but instead use it to track enemies and keep me aware of flanks who may be trying to get behind me. Remember that sensor drone helps everyone on your team so placement is key, ideally somewhere between yourself and the point at least halfway up a wall. Make it hard to find and hit for opposing players and you don't have to worry about cool down time, it will live on its own.
I recommend Life Rip and Cauterize/Wrecker as your early maxes. Ignore Chronos, you don't need it. Same with Deft Hands since you'll rarely reload, and you will sense when there's a natural lull in the battle to restock the magazine (like when Terminus goes into absorb mode).
Bonus Note: Because Vivian's ultimate is basically a damage boost you should A) pop it immediately any time you get it and B) this build makes it even more damaging with that 2s 20% damage buff. Keep your head up and you can stay alive for a long time and deal a ton of damage.
