Main term build and another one

by Venom
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Calamity Blasts deal an additional 100 damage each.
Calamity Blast
Necromantic Might
Reduce the damage required to generate a charge by 120-600.
Power Siphon
Successful hits with Calamity Blast grant 1-5% Power Siphon charge.
Calamity Blast
Hulking Monstrosity
Gain 150-750 Health.
We Can Rebuild Him
Below 50% Health receive 5-25% more Healing.
It Watches
Hitting enemies with your Massacre Axe generates 2-10% Power Siphon charge.


In my opinion term can be one of the best tanks If you ask me, not on ash (pre-nerf) or Khan level but still very good. I think that it’s because he can be so incredibly Tanky and hard to kill while being able to absorb infinite amounts of damage.

You may know me from my zhin build guide but if you haven’t go check that out if you have time. But if you don’t hi my name is venom and I will be showing you my preferred load out for terminus.

This is my load out for when I know I have a good healer that will do their job, I have stolen the name from kami and called this one PEW PEW however I have another build when I’m not so confident in my healer or there isn’t one, called PEW PW HEALS.

QUICK TIPS: you are a tank/frontliner so you job is to Contest the point, create space, distract the enemy team and divert their damage for you main damage dealers so they have an easier time.
This that I hate to see in lower tier frontline players is that they say they can’t do anything while they are just standing in damage and caut. ATTENTION ALL FRONTLINE PLAYERS use something to get out of caut do your healers can heal you other wise there is no whole point in you being there, you’ll just be a huge feeder. So with term when you are under cauterise and in heavy damage, put your power siphon up to relive the pressure, cleanse the caut and allow your healer to effectively heal you. If you die of you don’t do theses things don’t blame anyone else but yourself. That’s the best mindset.

Now into the build, this is the build for when I have good healers that I trust can do well and know what they’re doing, I’ll make another build after this one showing what I run when I do t have good heals or when I want more self sustain.

Talent: decimation; I use this when there are more squishy heroes and less tanks or thing like that or if I want more same in the long run and burst potential too. If they’re running really ranks comp or higher burst go for undying. However don’t really go for crush because yes it can be useful but it’s in too long of a cooldown to be effective most of the time.

Necromantic might: this is like manditory as it allows you to build up your calamity charges much quicker and you don’t need to absorb 3 lian shots to get a single charge instead you’ll get two, neat huh. Now if you want to run the card where the more calamity charges you hold, you get blah blah damage reduction, this allows you to stack your DR quicker and become tankier.

Abomination: let’s put this simple when you hit someone with 5 blasts you get 1/4 of siphon back, how good is that?!?! This shows why term is so strong, paired with the fact That you can put this up with a one second delay is pretty crazy, it’s like Infinate siphon uptime.

Hulking monstrosity: no this is one that I just like to have, like 450 extra health brings him up to 4450 base health which is almost as much as ash after the new nerfs and she’s still going to be decent so yea now hats on term. Extra health will never be a bad thing in any case no matter what.

We can rebuild him and it watches are just filler cards and can be interchanged to fit your playstyle best. I use this because you need quick heals from let’s say a damba or something and this helps that small bit. And you want to have your power siphon up at all times or at least when you need it the most.


Number 1 I usually go for rejuvenate no matter what, you need this heals as a frontline and I never go without it, it counters early caut and with the filler card can you get more healing. Because term is an in your face character he is naturally going to take more damage so being able to heal it up will help tremendously.

Next I go either nimble or depending on the situation, blast shields, haven or resi.
My explanation is that with term you are a melee character so you want to be up close and personal so you want nimble to help close the gap so you can swing away and do your thing. Now for the defence ones, if they have lots of area damage like a dredge or drogos and willo hem go blast shields but if they have snipers or Cassie/ lian (the hard hitters basically) then go haven, now go resi if you feel like cc is being the death of you and is what is making you die the most.

Then you can get like bulldozer if there is a team that is eventually going to start having a picnic on the objective like inara, barik and ying. Ying definitely since at max level (which is pretty cheap to get) you can destroy a ying clone on one swing, so imagine the rest of things like turrets and waders field, totem etc.

Play style: now with terminus i like to play aggressive mostly on the point and if I’m running my other PEW PEWW HEAL build then I’ll stop lay super Agressive, and if I’m playing with undying and my PEW PEW HEAL build then I’ll be so once aggressive it shocked the enemy, however start to switch it up because even the dumbest of opponents will catch on to what you are doing and counter you.

EDIT: I will just put my PEW PEW HEAL build on here and explain it here because that’s easier (I’ll uptade the name of the build)

Necromantic might - 5
Devastation - 3
Abomination - 3
Playing god - 3
Hulking monstrosity - 1

Now this my seem wierd, you can tweak this l to make one five and another 1 death ending on how useful you think they are right now each calamity blast hit heals for 150, heal for 15% of damage absorbed my the power siphon and successful hits with calamity blast grant 3% power siphon charge, thats pretty decent to me however you can make it 250, 25% and 5% when maxes out.

This is just a mini guide so it’s not going into depth that much but remember that’s my self sustain build where I don’t tho k I have competent healers, this can be paired with either undying or decimation whichever you like more. The items will stay the same except for rejuvenate because your not wxpecting to get healed, however if you do have good healers and you just want to run this build for the great self sustain I gives you can still get Rejuvenate.
