Reload is Gae

by Countlessbugs
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Kindle Soul Heals up to 15% additional Health based on your ally's missing Health and its range is increased by 300%.
Kindle Soul
Burning Oath
Heal for 105-525 over 3s after Healing an ally with Kindle Soul.
Kindle Soul
Devout Dexterity
Generate 1-5 Ammo after earning an Elimination.
Inner Fire
Generate 1-5 Ammo after Healing an ally with Kindle Soul.
Kindle Soul
Pyretic Dynamo
Increase your maximum Ammo by 2-10.
Decrease the rate of Wrath decay by 10-50%.


Furia is in kinda weird position for me. While you can still provide decent healing with her, it is still a bit lacking compared to other META spread healing healers say Corvus and Jenos. She doesn’t have the thru the wall consistent heals like these 2, nor does she have speed buffs or DR like Damba or IO. She focuses more on providing damage, but it is not potent enough to be a totally dedicated off support like Grohk Focusing Lens Ying or Soul Collector Seris.
These 3 example has sustain and enough ammo to consistently give pressure to enemies.

So my deck intends to further enhances her performance in providing damage while still keeping decent healing numbers. Her main source of damage comes from her weapon apparently, so my deck have 3 cards related to her ammo. When you are on low Wrath, you probably have 25+ effective ammo before actually needing to reload, if you have healed an ally on time. With high Wrath you can deal more damage and kill enemies faster, getting elimination which also gives you ammo.

Since you are firing nonstop anyways, self heal at 5 helps you to stay healthy during combat. It also shortens the time you wait for out of combat regen. Wrath Decay at level 3 allows you to stay aggressive as the decay now is realllllyyyy fast compared to the past. With this card perhaps you can fire 10 ammo before feeling significant fire rate drop.

By the way, you are still a healer. You don’t need to and should not rush into their faces. Furia is best played hiding behind tanks and then you can lay waste on the enemies safely.

I prefer buying Nimble. Wings of Wraths should be used as your last resort for running, as after that short range dash you have nothing left to run away. The extra speed can help you juke around too.

It is not like you can play Furia in every scenario though. She could be good when you need the beam stuns for abilities like Fernando shield, Raum run, Terminus Siphon and so-on. I don’t run any of the beam related cards though as I am used to it. You probably should try to not use them too, as they will get you too pampered.

I would buy Chronos / Nimble / Haven or Blast / Morale or Resil. You might drop Chronos if you have a 2nd support on your team. Then Cauterize instead of Chronos if the enemy have high sustain flanks like Buck or Vora that constantly harasses you or is in a Double Support comp.

You would like your flanks to be able to give you LOS. That’s why I wouldn’t want to play Furia on maps with a lot of corners, like Jaguars Falls, Ice Mines. Maps like Fish Market, Frog Isle, Ascension Peak and Timber Mill can be nice as they have long ass sightlines. Still they can’t be playing over aggressive. Either you follow them or leave them be. Your best friend would probably be something that can cleanse Caut like Zhin, Koga, Evie. You can heal them more, and you get more Wrath from that too. Tanks with deplorable shields would be nice to cleanse Caut for the team as well.
