Smoke bomb aoe nuke

by Smash
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Smoke and Dagger
Smoke Screen now deals 600 damage when it deploys.
Smoke Screen
Hitting an enemy with Poison Bolts reduces the cooldown of Smoke screen by 0.5-2.5s.
Poison Bolts
Quick Smoker
Reduce the cooldown of Smoke Screen by 1-5s.
Smoke Screen
Emergency Exit
You automatically enter Stealth when you drop below 30% Health. This effect can happen once every 25-5s.
Nimble Fingers
Activating Poison Bolts increases reload speed by 10-50% for 5s.
Poison Bolts
Reduce the cooldown of Poison Bolts by 1-5s.
Poison Bolts


This load Let u dill each match at least 150k all u need Is a good aim. Start with healing reduce item up to lvl 2 . Then ultra item x2 then kill to heal. All u do Is.
Try to max aoe of smoke bomb. Mean get as many targets close to each other. When u hit opisom bolt Your bomb will be instant ready. Then 2-3s co on bolt and repead the same. Use ultra on cd. This load cards Is made perfect on timming between P.B and S.B So u dont have to usw any chronos. Only good aim. 2 other cards will Let u run stealh ons every 25s and Let u reolad Your weapon faster. Skye Is close and moddle range and that Put her on risk to be one shoted. This load cards Let u lewo distanse. Smole bomb every 3 s Let u run away or jump into right and kill. Enemy inside smoke bomb cant see u and other team mates or enemys So it give u planty of time. There Is the only good way to play skye. Hope u dont mind english errors. Gl and have a nice fun
