Talus Speed Build KamiVS should try

by Shadowpuppy
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Faustian Bargain
Rune of Travel no longer automatically activates, and if the Rune is not used the Cooldown is reset.
Rune of Travel
Increase your Movement Speed by 8-40% while Rune of Travel is active.
Rune of Travel
Reduce your damage taken by 6-30% while at or below 40% Health.
Increase your maximum Health by 50-250
Increase the duration of Overcharge by 0.2-1s.
Primeval Might
Gain 8-40% Lifesteal while Overcharge is active.


Purpose of build is to never teleport and to always maintain presence in the backfield.
You do not need to kill Cassie if she is spending all her time looking for you.

Nimble is a must, there is a big difference in 40% and 61% movement speed. It takes this from good to silly good.
You need Nimble but cauterize is still probably first pick item.

Cauterize and Nimble
Cauterize 2
Nimble 2
Nimble 3
Cauterize 3

GUTS 24% DR kicks in at 840 health with this build....

Your over charge is still a killing machine, you get it less often so you need to pick and choose when to use it. One thing of note is with a mark down no one is escaping your over charge. They are not going to make it around a corner to avoid it really. You just to fast and you are also hard to hit moving at 61% movment speed with DR and a million rounds.

10 seconds is not that long to wait when no one can really catch you.
I find that they end up chasing me till my over charge comes back up and then i kill them.

After a few times they will stop chasing you and now you are at Evie levels of annoying as they know your back there but they also know that if they try and turn to come get you, you will just run away no problem.

NOTE: You are freaking fast, so if someone chases you back to thier spawn, you can just run back to point without even trying to kill them. If its a slow tank that chased you back there dont even bother trying to kill them, just leave them out of position and go kill someone else as they waddle back to the fight.

Everyone uses this wrong, do not ult low health targets with this build.
Do not ult to dismount the entire team.

Wait for some valuable target to die. Like Inara or a healer and wait about 3 seconds from when their spawn timer clears and ult to dismount them. If you feel like you can kill them go for it. If not just run back to point and clear the enemy teams high ground while the high value target walks back to the fight. This is how you get into their backfield easily.

The biggest value in Faust Bargain is that you can maintain in the backfield without ever leaving.
Do not worry about where your marks are placed unless you are doing a point touch or something that you expect to get bursted on.

Takes away to get the hang of remembering to keep that mark up all the time and not hitting the teleport every time your in danger.

Burst is still your enemy, Cassie and Lian really blow you up. But your speed is what makes you able to deal with them. Just dont engage them face to face unless you know that Blast Shot and Pressense are down. So do not pop over charge, they will still win. Just shoot them annoy them till the use those skills then if your still fairly healthy pop your over charge and engage.