Terminus point tank build

by FrostDragun
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Calamity Blasts deal an additional 100 damage each.
Calamity Blast
Necromantic Might
Reduce the damage required to generate a charge by 120-600.
Power Siphon
Hitting an enemy with Calamity Blast heal you for 50-250 per hit.
Calamity Blast
Successful hits with Calamity Blast grant 1-5% Power Siphon charge.
Calamity Blast
Hulking Monstrosity
Gain 150-750 Health.
Playing God
Heal for 5-25% of the damage absorbed by Power Siphon.
Power Siphon


I'm pretty sure that this build is just as good as it gets for an all around terminus build. You really just have the tools to deal with any situation. Your healer bad? Devastation and Playing God got your back. They have an annoying squishy? Necromantic Might plus Decimation will get them to at least back off if not just kill them outright.

How to play this build
Terminus is the hardest tank in the game in my opinion but as far as builds go this one is not that hard to play just requires a lot of bar management. Basically this build is made for you to borderline just sit on point and not move (obviously don't just sit there with your dick in your hand but you got the point) so all you have to do is use Power Siphon when they start shooting at you if they stop then you stop and shoot at them if they don't stop keep Power Siphoning until you get 4 stacks then shoot them all at them will so 1750 damage and heal you for 1000 (without cauterize or damage reduction) and refund 20% Power Siphon charge so that you can keep Power Siphoning rise and repeat if they run at you you have a big axe figure it out, if you mess up and lose to much health or your team dies make a tactical retreat to regroup with your team then go in again.

You have no points in Wrecking Ball (card) so you lack vertical mobility (can be fixed by putting Wrecking Ball in instead of Hulking Monstrosity)
Not really a fault of the build more a fault of terminus but if you get caught up in CC or ganged up on by multiple people you will not have a good time
You kinda need your damage to be able to function as a human being and kill people because as said before if you get ganged up on its not gonna be good

Rejuvenate is really good I like it as a first buy most the time
Bulldozer is insane if they have someone with deployables because with one level in it you can 2 shot most things and you can buy it alongside your Rejuvenate
Nimble pretty good if you are forced to play more aggro allows you to close gaps because you don't have Wrecking Ball
Blast Sheilds/Haven really good if you don't need anything else
Cauterize I tend to stay away from it because you are melee and there are better people to have it but if your team is just not buying it then you kinda have to

Closing Statement
All around really good build i have been having success with it i am a Diamond 1 borderline Terminus one trick so I mean its done me well, at the same time though I do suggest making more than one build so that you can adapt to the situation like if you are on Splitstone Quarry (probably shouldn't be playing Terminus) you might want to take Wrecking Ball because it has a lot of vertical and if you're on Frozen Guard you have no need for vertical mobility.
