Unnatural Persistence
Heal for 25 every 0.25s while on an objective and for 1s after leaving the objective. This effect increases the longer you maintain it, up to 65 every 0.25s.
Dreadful Compact
Reduce the Cooldown of Hardening by 0.3-1.5s after hitting an enemy with Piercing Quills.
Piercing Quills
Raze and Burn
Heal for 50-250 after hitting an enemy with Piercing Quills.
Piercing Quills
Futile Efforts
Reduce the Cooldown of Piercing Quills by 0.05-0.25s each time you hit an enemy with Caustic Spray.
End of an Era
Increase the additional Damage Reduction benefit of Hardening by 20-100%.
Deadly Predator
Increase your maximum acid capacity by 8-40%.
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Yag lacks an ability that cleanses anti-heal, which is a disadvantage for point tanking. Since the nerfs to her DR, the winrate of this talent has dropped. It could still be viable in Bronze-Diamond if there's not too much point pressure or too many Yag counters. On point, you'll need to harden more and you'll probably have an easier time shooting quills against the enemy main tank than in the off-lane, so Dreadful Compact is at 5 and Futile Efforts is at 1 to help that a little bit. (Last Efforts could be a good filler too)