Nyx Queen of the Abyss
In the far past, Nyx was once a Pyre Lord, working alongside Azaan and others in the seemingly eternal fight against the chaotic Abyss. Over time, she found herself disillusioned with the ways of the Pyre and their rigid controlling dogmas - so content to throw away countless lives in their endless wars. She would show the Pyre the power of freedom, true freedom. Approaching the one who would eventually be know as Seris, they devised a plan for Nyx to begin her great betrayal. Nyx left the Pyre behind and traveled through one of Seris' portals into a Lord's fortress. Once there Nyx slew and subdued all who stood in her way in a violent bloodbath. Even the residing Lord was no match for her fury, their name lost to time - cementing herself as an Abyssal Lord. Her time in the Abyss has changed her physically, but she remains determined to bring a new age of chaos and freedom to the Realm. With her growing army behind her, she offers power to those who will accept it: a united front through strength and the chaos of free will - a force strong enough to overwhelm the Pyre wholly.

Health: 4700
Speed: 350
Speed: 350

Abyssal Breach
Enemies that pass through Abyssal Fortress are Revealed and take 10% additional weapon damage from you and your allies for 3s. Reduce Abyssal Fortress' Cooldown by 2s.

Show Of Force
Rift Slash Cripples enemies it hits for 1.25s, and the resulting Abyssal Rift lasts 1s longer.

Royal Presence's reactivation now only hits the first enemy in its path, and instead Roots them for 2.25s. Increase the Range of the reactivation by 50%.

A Swift End
Increase your fire rate by 4-20% for 3s when passing through Abyssal Fortress.

Abyssal Authority
Increase the radius of Royal Presence's Poison aura by 20-100%.

All Will Kneel
Increase the Abyssal Rift's pulse area of effect by 12-60%.
Rift Slash

Brutal Pursuer
Increase your Movement Speed by 4-20% for 5s after casting Rift Slash.
Rift Slash

Center Of Combat
Increase the max health damage of Royal Presence's Poison aura by 2-10%.
Royal Presence

Devastating Blows
Increase the trigger distance of Realm Breaker's bonus damage by 5-25 units.

Face To Face
Increase the pull strength of Royal Presence's chain grab by 20-100%.
Royal Presence

Forever Changed
Increase your maximum Health by 150-750.

Frontline Commander
Increase allies and decrease enemies' Movement Speed by 7-35% for 4 seconds when passing through Abyssal Fortress.

The Little Things
Reduce the Cooldown of Rift Slash by 0.2-1s, up to a max reduction of 5s, when hitting enemies with Realm Breaker.

The New Order
Gain a 30-150 health Shield for each enemy hit by Royal Presence's chain grab.
Royal Presence

True Freedom
You can miss 1-5s.

Unbreakable Will
Reduce the Health reduction from placing Abyssal Fortress >30 units away by 20-100%.

Unchecked Power
Increase the slow strength of the rift's pulses by 5-25%.
Rift Slash

Unyielding Advance
Increase Abyssal Fortress' Health by 200-1000

World Torn Asunder
Increase the speed Rift Slash travels at by 20-100%.
Rift Slash