Bounce House
Heroic Leap deals 600 damage and applies a Knockback to enemies within 20 units of your landing location.
Heroic Leap
Reduce your damage taken by 6-30% for 4s after using Heroic Leap.
Heroic Leap
Stomping Ground
Reduce all active Cooldowns by 15-75% after getting a Killing Blow.
Hitting at least one champion with Heroic Leap reduces its Cooldown by 1-5s.
Heroic Leap
Regenerate 1 Ammo every 0.5s for 0.5-2.5s after activating Recovery.
Leg Day
Increase the jump strength of Heroic Leap by 5-25%.
Heroic Leap
This build is essential for every Buck player! After the upcoming nerfs for Buck this is the build to go for.
To use this layout effiecent you got to have good aim and a decent game sense.
Even Raventric the popular Youtuber using this deck for his level 250 Buck as main aggresive build.
Raventric :
This layout is maked for enemys like snipers, glassbarrels or champs with low self sustain.
Actually this is a really simple and easy deck to understand, it's just rely on your skill tho.
How to use it:
- Keep your eyes open and find a good champ thats not heavily guarded from others.
- Activate Heroic Leap towards the enemy and land very close. The enemy gonna bounce 20 units high dont forget that. You dont have to be scared because of your 30% damage reduction from "Momentum V"
- After you got him/her in air, activate Net Shot and shoot the enemys until he's dead and get your 75% cooldown reduction from "Stomping Ground V"
- Now it's get interesting. You got two choices, fall back or just repeat the steps before towards a new enemy.
- Always activate your Recovery when needed.
That's actually all you have to know about this deck.
I would really like if you guys would give this a try.
Thanks for your attention.
Your Rosmary ^.^