Aggressive Flank(Lone ranger)

by Ouro
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Splitting Ice
Frost Bolt bounces to an additional enemy.
Splitting Ice
Pyretic Momentum
Frostfire Glide travels 5-25% faster.
Frostfire Glide
Increase the root duration of Frost Bomb by 0.2-1s.
Frost Bomb
Elemental Grace
Dropping to or below 50% Health grants a 100-500hp Shield for 3s.
Elemental Barrier
Using Elemental Shift heals you for 100-500 Health.
Elemental Shift
Ancient Duty
Increase your base maximum Health by 50-250.


So u wanna play Imani or u think she's hot like me and wanna main her. This deck is what I use when I want to be super aggressive and wanna dish out as much damage as possible. I go with Splitting Ice and in turn, Frost Bolt is due to its rapid-fire capabilities and overall higher DPS compared to Pyre Ball. Also, Pyromania is not viable if ur flanking and u wanna be a lone ranger not relying on your team as you won't be having a high enough DPS. The playstyle is to go into the backlines unseen preferably using FrostFire Glide and attacking the backline snipers and or healers. If u have time go back to the frontline and destroy the Flankers who are messing with your team, however 9/10 times u would need to spend your time in the backlines. If u are spotted and outnumbered use elemental shift to recover your health and fly away either to a hiding spot or back to your team to heal up. Pyretic Momentum allows you to run away faster before getting killed, Permafrost help u trap those pesky Evie or Maeve whos running around. Elemental Grace is really needed because you are surprised by a sudden burst damage i.e an ulting Zhin use elemental shift and get the hell outta there. Elemental barrier gives u health for the aforementioned scenario or if ur 2v1ing it helps to win the fight. And lastly ancient duty to give u that extra health which is really needed if u do not wanna be 2 shotted. In summary, u will mainly use your Frost bolt in squishy which is your top priority, followed by far range DPS, flankers and if u somehow still have time switch to Pyre Ball and melt the tanks. Hide wait for them to spawn back in and rinse and repeat. Hope you all enjoyed this guide and found it Useful :)
P.s if anyone wanna have a game with me invite me on Paladin @Ouorbase
