
by Seaturtles Lastname
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If an Illusion is killed or expires, it triggers a Shatter explosion, dealing 550 damage. Also increases the effectiveness of your Shattered Illusions Movement Speed and Explosion Radius.
Reduce the Cooldown of Shatter by 0.5-2.5s.
Heal for 13-65% of the damage dealt by Shatter.
Spawn an Illusion with 20-100% Health when you swap to the spot of a dead Illusion.
Dimensional Link
Spring Bloom
Reduce the Cooldown of Illusion by 0.5-2.5s when an Illusion dies to an enemy.
Spring Forward
Increase the duration of Dimensional Link by 0.7-3.5s.
Dimensional Link


Just as a preface I can't speak to the ranked viability of this build but it serves me well in my casual play when I feel like juking/bamboozling people and blowing them up. Also HUGE NOTE if you use this TELL YOUR TEAM its ok to play a dps ying but for the love of fey just type these ten letters into chat. "Dps ying inc"

On to the build :p

These cards work well in conjunction with an aggressive team or suppressive flanking or flank denying playstyle. Your job with this loadout is to deter flankers, deny free space, and generally just make yourself a hard to predict nuisance with plenty of illusions, shuffling places, and of course resonance explosions.

Remember your shatter arms after a delay so dropping an illusion above someone at max hieght and shattering it immediately will cause the illusion to usually explode as soon as it hits the ground, this is useful for checking corners and it is great for aoe damage on point. You can also use this technique for farming self healing from Harmony IV while you are trying to disengage, drop an illusion above and slightly ahead of your path, shattering after you pass through, as to allow the illusion to heal you before having it go nuts on the person chasing you.

You usually want to remember if you are out of sight you are out of mind, most people won't clear an area because of an illusion appearing because that Ying could realistically be anywhere. So USE SIGHTLINES. Use them to hide use em to flank hell use them to confuse the shit out of a flanker but please please use your sightlines. You can get away with sending in a rediculous amount of illusions charging around corners or dropping from the sky like literal bombs all because no one ever directly saw you. Certain maps have tiny windows that you can snipe through, or places only flying heros can access get creative, use those illusions and that brain of yours to bomb someone from above and behind their whole team. While you are also healing anyone who just so happens to be around your barrage of exploding shuffling mirror ladies.

NOTE: I will say that you can exchange Spring Forward with Squadron for more survivability for your illusions until you learn to work with them.
Their low health will just make your illusions feel laughable as a new dps ying. As you get better with Ying you will notice your unshattered illusions surviving fights this is when you want to start toying with Spring Forward over Squadron as you will just have a general easier time pulling off more than one barrage of illusions with more time added to Dimensional Link now that you are starting to learn good illusion placement.
