Androxus Fighter Deck

by GreyWarden214
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Dark Stalker
Deal 20% more weapon damage to enemies below 50% Health.
Abyss Walker
Nether Step heals you for 40-200 Health.
Nether Step
Gain 6-30% Damage Reduction while using Drift.
Quick Draw
Gain 5-25% reload speed.
Killing an enemy with Defiance grants you 200-1000 Health.
Buying Time
Activating Reversal generates 1-5 Ammo.


Now lets be honest here, I never play as Androxus anymore but when I did I always had one deck that stood above the rest and that was this deck. It has a lot of good attributes that can help or even save anyone playing as him. If anyone is below 50% Health than Androxus does 20% more damage, Nether Step now heals you for about 40-200 health while if you use Drift you will receive 6-30% Damage Reduction (which could save ya mate), You also reload faster by about 5-25% which is always good for a class like Androxus. Now let's get into the best part about his deck here, If you activate Reversal then you will receive about 1-5 bullets back which can help prevent you from reloading so you can hop back into battle, as for his last card it does extremely well and has saved me DOZENS of times as him. If you kill an enemy with Defiance than you get 200-1000 health back, and In my deck I put that card on max so you get about 1000 Health back per kill with defiance, which that can save you if your in a tough situation.

All in all this Deck works well with him, maybe not the best but it can save you if the time arise!

