Anti Sniper Grover

by Anonymous
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Increase your damage scaling over distance by 60%
Reduce the Cooldown of Blossom by 0.5-2.5s.
Gain 6-30% damage reduction for 4s after using Blossom.
Receive 5-25% increased healing below 50% health.
Increase your base maximum Health by 75-375.
Vine Grasp
Increase the range of Vine by 10-50%


The plan for this Loadout is simple. Fighting from long range with a massiv self sustain.

You should focus the following Item, depend on the enemy Team and what your team needs.

Defense Items: Haven if u face heavy DD's like Kinesa, Strix, Sha Lin, Cassie or even Maeve
Blast Shield if u face a lot of AoE (Area of Effect) Damage like Drogoz, Bomb King, etc
Illuminate for enemy Skye if she focus you and your Backline hard.

Utility Items: Morale Boost is allways fine to keep your backline or just yourself alive.
Chronos is your way to go. If u need to spamm your Blossom and Vine as often as possible to survive.
Take Nimble if u prefer the increased MSpd to change your spot more quickly without using your Vine.

Healing Items: Take Kill to Heal if u face a lot of Cauterize on the enemy Team.
Otherwise is Life Rip your best choice with a massivly 104 LP Heal on max range auto attacks or a minimum of 64 on short range.

Attack Items: Take Cauterize if the enemy Team runs a lot of Rejuvenate and Life Rip.
Wrecker is your best choice, if u face Ruckus, Torvald to burst the low shield in 1 or 2 hits or if u face a double tank frontline with heavy shields like
Makoa, Fernando or Ash on Fortress Breaker.
Bulldozer should be avoid as long u dont face Inara, Grohk and Barik at the same time on the enemy Team. (Inara wall counts as Deployable, not as

The best way for u to go. Is to wait with your buy until 3 or 2 Seconds left on the counter. Press and hold Tab until u see what the enemy Team got for them and then pick your item depend on them.
I prefer to start on Cauterize, Wrecker or Morale Boost.

Your play style is like, if u play Kinesa or Strix. Stay as far as possible behind and snipe with your axes. Try to avoid using your vine if u dont face the flanker or something else that put u in a bad spot.
Try to stay with your Sniper if possible or right beside your main healer to protect each other as good as possible and heal him if he got in trouble.
U also can stay beside your capture tank if ur Ult is up and ur main healer is down to capture the point or get your team some more time to regroup with you.

Well, i guess thats all i had to say about my Grover Build. I hate it to say how good i play with this Set or how hard i climb with it. Just try it out if u want and feel free to change the Loadout as long u need to customize it for your personal play style.
