Ash Shield Build

by LavenderCas
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Fortress Breaker
Siege Shield moves 80% slower, has 3000 more Health, and is 50% larger.
Siege Shield
War Machine
Eliminations reduce all cooldowns by 10-50%
Reduce the Cooldown of Siege Shield by 0.5-2.5s.
Siege Shield
Siege Engine
Reduce the cooldown of Siege Shield by 1-5s for hitting an enemy with Kinetic Burst.
Kinetic Burst
Heavy Metal
Increase your base maximum Health by 150-750.
Activating Siege Shield generates 1-5 Ammo.
Siege Shield


1) Max Cauterize to 3 asap because Ash's AoE can caut an entire chock point.
2) Get to point and throw down your Siege Shield
3) As soon as your Siege Shield drops hit the tanks with Kinetic Burst to drop the cooldown of Siege shield to nearly 0 (at this point people will start to die making sure you get an elimination will make your Siege Shield instant!)
4) drop your second Siege Shield
5) If you are collecting eliminations you can do it again which should win your team the point. If you arent getting the elims needed back off the point and poke from safety while waiting for your cooldowns to reset
6) Repeat 2-5 until you control the objective
7) Push forward to zone the enemies, dismount them and poke them as much as you can do safely, if you die on the zone your team can lose the objective
8) Drop back to point as soon as you see or feel anyone get past you, Shoulder Bash will get you back to the point quick
9) Repeat 2-5 until you have won the point/push
10) Use Assert Dominance to push into entrenched enemies or to buy time for your team to finish off kills when you get low.
