Assassin Skye

by x810
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Smoke and Dagger
Smoke Screen now deals 600 damage when it deploys.
Smoke Screen
Hidden lasts 1-5s longer.
Hitting an enemy with Poison Bolts reduces the cooldown of Smoke screen by 0.5-2.5s.
Poison Bolts
Enemies hit by Poison Bolts receive 15-75% reduced healing for 3s.
Poison Bolts
Quick Smoker
Reduce the cooldown of Smoke Screen by 1-5s.
Smoke Screen
Reduce the cooldown of Poison Bolts by 1-5s.
Poison Bolts


Hidden can be used to get in and out after bursting a target. Throw your Smoke Screen from hidden, shoot your target (preferably a squishy, but you can easily 1v1 tanks aswell) and use Poison Bolts the moment the Smoke lands. Your Smoke Screen will be up again and you can quite easily just LMB your target down.

To capitalise, you want to grab Chronos to start and upgrade it early so your Poison Bolts will be off cooldown after the inital combo, for a total of 3 smokes dropped in the period of about 2 seconds. Hidden is your best ally after executing a target, try to stay out of the way until your cooldowns are up again. Once you have Chronos 2 you can very easily 1v1 tanks, if you're fighting Khan just make sure your RMB hits him not his shield, and try not to smoke him when he heals himself. Other than that the burst is quite easy to put out.

Kill to Heal is preferred because of the amount of picks you can get, and it saves you healer from worrying about you if things are going to plan.

Skye is very map dependent, you don't want to play her on maps where you can't get to high ground without wasting a lot of time.

You're very squishy and beyond the stealth that can be countered easily with Illuminate, you don't have any options of escape. This means you have to think about when you go in more than anything else, because if you get turned on before you secure a pick it really hurts the fight.
