Barik Point Tank

by simoconfa
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Increase the damage of your Turrets by 20% and reduce their Cooldown by 3s.
Field Deploy
Heal for 20-100 each time one of your Turrets hits an enemy.
Healing Station
Heal for 25-125 every 1s while standing near your Turret.
Reset the Cooldown of Rocket Boots after falling to or below 10-50% Health.
Brave and Bold
Increase your maximum Health by 150-750.
Combat Repair
Heal your Turret for 100-500 every 1s while you are standing near it.


Hi guys,
I will spend some words because I have seen so many builts for point-tanking. This guide aims to explain my point of view of point tanking. Do not copy blindly!
I prefer Architectonics talent because in my opinion is better than Fortify. Fortify may be in some cases better if your enemies have high damage and low mobility. For sure chose Architectonics if in your build you have high values on Healing Station and Field Deploy cards.
This built is necessary if in your party you have a luminary jenos single healer, because you need much sustain.
Some cards explanations:

  •    Healing station : This is the key of the build. Place a turret in a safe place near the objective and keep closing without standing, protect your turret with you body, and when you pick too much   damage switch back turrets. I suggest 5/5. Lower values after nerfs may be useless;
  •    Field Deploy : This is a decent card in concurrency with Healing station. I suggest 5/5, Lower values after nerfs may be useless;
  •    Failsafe : life safer: you may have 2 rocket boots in a row to escape from enemies. I suggest 3/5, 1/5 is not enough, 2/5 is risky;
  •    Combat Repair : since you stand always near turrets, why not repair them? They are often damaged indirectly by area damage (Turrets life is 1000); If an enemy targets it (unless you have 5/5 here) the turret will be destroyed, but if the enemy does not focus it, or there are no enemies around you can try repair and meanwhile self healing. A minimum of 1/5 is needed here. This card is mandatory as a point tank;
  •     Bowling Ball : DO NOT USE THIS CARD after the nerf (3 patches ago), it is stupid. I explain why. This card give you a temporary shield (which is wrecker sensible) and when it disappears, life given by the shield will go away. Use instead Brave and Bold which gives the same PERMANENT value and it is not wreckable.




Forged Alloy 1/5 Combat Repair 3/5, instead of Failsafe. This build is good if you cannot dash (for example against a cripple Inara) or in short maps where double dash is not needed.
If you are offtanking / you are against point term / you can dash without problems use:



Ingame useful items:
Haven : Bro, you are a tank!
Blast Shields : Only if there is a powerful area damage enemy often on you;
Cauterize : Only if there is an enemy healer(so at 99% you will need it). I suggest it as first choice;
Rejuvenate : Suggested if you have 2 healers in squad or a single healer Jenos/Grover/Corvus. It is a good second choice item for pointanking because you usually drop a shield when you are low (after 1,5 seconds without taking damage, Cauterize will disappear);
Master Riding : Good in long maps or if you die often;
Bulldozer: Since it is cheap, it may be uselful against a point tank Luna (which is Io's pet). Effective only at level 3. Do not pick if someone in your party already picked it. Many says that is not usefull against Luna but you have to remember that: 1)Barik does a really good damage to be a tank, 2)Io is op, 3)the more the pet remain on the point, the more you will not capture. UPDATE: after that Luna is cauterizable I suggest to pick it only if Io runs Life Link talent.


