Best moji load out

by Valkyrieleona
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Leave a cloud for 3s that grants allies 600 health over 3s.
Heal for 40-200 health per second while Magic Barrier is active.
Being hit while your Magic Barrier is active heals you for 100-500.
Reduce the cooldown of Scamper by 0.5-2.5s.
Using Scamper heals you for 100-500 health over its duration.
While below 50% Health receive 10-50% increased healing.


Its the best loadout for moji for now as i saw
Moji if compared with other flank she is the weakest one but with this loadout u cannot die easly cuz u can heal ur self and do dmg at the same time its do good against flanks 1 vs 1 and some times good against 2 when u counter enemy hit him and if he hit u press f to heal ur self then keep attacking him if ur health cricital press q it will heal u easly and when q end press f to heal u again its so strong skill it can even heal ur team with it.
Keep in mind when ur health crictal use q and try run and then use f and run donnnt forget to buuuy movvve speed ittttts sooooo importint for this talent
With high speed u can catch em with ult easly and can attack and run fast when ur health is crictal.

U also can help ur team in point or in pushing with the heals
By the way as i play moji so much this is the only loadout and the only talent that make moji strong.
Boom boom talent looks great but it will make moji easy to die and it needs actually a good healer and tank to protect moji
