Bomb King Health Deck

by GreyWarden214
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Grumpy Bomb destroys all shields when it explodes and its blast radius is increased by 30%
Grumpy Bomb
Ablative Coating
Hitting an enemy with Poppy Bomb heals you for 100-500.
Poppy Bomb
Activating Grumpy Bomb heals you for 50-250.
Grumpy Bomb
Explosive Entrance
Activating Poppy Bomb Heals you for 50-250.
Poppy Bomb
King's Court
Heal for 15-75 for every Sticky Bomb Detonated
King's New Cloak
Gain 50-250 Health.


Now I know that Bomb King is a pretty good class, but I always thought he died to easily. That issue is for the past with me because of this deck. Sure he will still end up dying every now and then but this deck focuses on Healing Bomb King and giving him or health, I'm fine with he way he is I just needed more health for him and if you had this problem too then with this deck that problem will be behind you since Bomb King earns health back for basically everything he does, so I never 100% use this deck all the time since it's not a competitive game deck but if your in casual then this deck will work well.
I will make my favorite Bomb King Deck here shortly, right now this deck is focused on giving him health but I have one other deck that I use that works really well with him, so keep in touch for that.

This deck is good for healing Bomb King without needing a healing so thats why I recommend it.

