Bulky Overdrive/Blitz Upper Spam

by BruhN3XUS
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Inner Strength
Reduce the Cooldown of Overcharge and Blitz Upper by 6s when you Teleport using Rune of Travel.
Rune of Travel
Ancient Power
Reduce the Cooldown of Blitz Upper by 0.5-2.5s for each enemy hit while Overcharge is active.
Reduce your damage taken by 5-25% while at or below 40% Health.
Heal for 100-500 after Teleporting to your Rune of Travel.
Rune of Travel
Increase your maximum Health by 50-250
Reduce the cooldown of Rune of Travel by 1-5s.
Rune of Travel


ALL of the information from my previous guide also applies to this one, with ONE exception: Inner Strength is the talent to play when you are either new to Talus OR you are in a situation where either there is NO Support on your team AND/OR just don't trust your Support to heal you well, as the self sustain on this build is much better than on the Nothing Personal build simply due to the fact that having more up time of Overdrive means you will be able to generate much more healing off of Life Rip. Since I will NOT be restating any of the things stated in my previous build/guide, I will use this one to add on to the guide and tell you all about what items you should be buying on Talus.

Best Items (aka items you will purchase in MOST games):
Armor Plating: This one is pretty self explanatory, being bulkier and taking less damage is always nice.

Life Rip: Talus does about 80% or so of his damage using his gun, the rest is split between Blitz Upper and his ultimate. Therefore Life Rip is ALWAYS a good buy seeing as you will be getting the healing very consistently. Though of course, this item is not necessary if you have really good support players on your team.

Trigger Scent: This item is good for the all the same reasons Life Rip is good. Most of your damage revolves around your gun, and Armor Plating is a very popular purchase as of right now. So buying this in order to help counter Armor Plating as well as overall make your time to kill faster is very nice.

Chronos: Chronos is good for obvious reasons, though I wouldn't recommend buying Chronos UNLESS you're playing the Inner Strength.

Nimble, Unbound, Wrecker, and other such situational items are also very good, but items like those are bought for the same reasons on pretty much every character. So I'm not gonna go into detail on those.