Burst with ammo gen

by d3rpyb01
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Burst Mode
Switch your rifle to Three-Shot-Burst mode, increasing your effective range and firing three 200-damage shots every 0.4s.
Reduce the Cooldown of Frag Grenade by 1-5s for each enemy hit by it.
Frag Grenade
Firing Stance
Increase your Movement Speed by 10-50% while using Iron Sights.
Iron Sights
Flak Jacket
Increase your maximum Health by 50-250.
Reduce damage taken by 3-15% while using Hustle.
Speed Load
Generate 7-35 Ammo after getting a Killing Blow or Elimination.


As a Viktor main I often go for grenades on the point or in groupsof enemies in order to get a reset on my nade using Grenadier at level 2 or 3, and until recently, I also ran a card called Fire In The Hole that generates 6 ammo (per level) for each enemy hit by grenade. I could never figure out what level I wanted it on so I decided to replace the card, I stumbled across the glorious card known as Firing Stance. At level 3, this card increases your movement speed by 30% while using Iron Sights. Using Iron Sights reduces your movement speed by 40%, so by increasing your speed by 30%, you almost (but not quite) fully negate this slowing effect. Personally I wouldn't run it at any level higher than 3, becasue having a slight slow helps me aim and I'm also just used to it. Flak Jacket is a must have in any loadout, but some decks don't need as high a level as others. Do you notice yourself constantly sprinting away from dnager and either barely surviving or dying often? Well then Scramble is the card for you! Viktor's Hustle is one of (if not the best) movement ability in the entire game, partially because of the cards that go along with it. Using Scramble provides 3% DR (per level) while using sprint, but that's not all. There isn't a cooldown on Hustle. So whenever things get dicey, not only can you escape quickly, you can do so while being much safer. A few cards not in this loadout (but can be substituted for Flak Jacket or Firing Stance) are Run and Gun, Guerilla Warfare, and Compensator. Compensator I used to have in every single deck at no lower than level 3, but as I got better aim I just didn't need it any more. If you struggle with aiming then I highly reccomend using as high a level of Compensator as you feel you need, then slowly lower the level as you get better. I myself went cold turkey and stopped using it, which is also a viable option. Guerilla Warfare is one of 2 cards that reduce the CD of grenade, and I very ,uch enjoy both of them, but out of the two I probably use Grenadier more. Have you ever gotten a quadra kill, and seen the last member of the enemy team on the virge of death right in front of you, but you had to reload? And by the time you cooked a grenade, your teammate had finished them off, ruining your penta? Well I have done this many times, but no longer. With Speed Load, Viktor becomes even more of a snowball killer. After scoring a killing blow OR an elimination, 7 ammo (per level) is automatically ready to go. Soon I will post videos on my YouTube, but in the meantime, stay derpy!
