Smoke and Dagger
Smoke Screen now deals 600 damage when it deploys.
Smoke Screen

Hitting an enemy with Poison Bolts reduces the cooldown of Smoke screen by 0.5-2.5s.
Poison Bolts

Emergency Exit
You automatically enter Stealth when you drop below 30% Health. This effect can happen once every 25-5s.

Healing Vapors
Grants 100-500 Health over 4s when entering Smoke Screen.
Smoke Screen

Reduce the cooldown of Poison Bolts by 1-5s.
Poison Bolts

Quick Smoker
Reduce the cooldown of Smoke Screen by 1-5s.
Smoke Screen
Hey guys, with this loadout you will be top damage & MVP all games.
I never really played paladins ranked games serious, but I've easily gotten to diamond with spamming skye 24/7.
The idea is:
come close to anyone you wanna kill -> smoke bomb so you don't miss the 600 dmg hit, posion bolts -> aa -> poison refreshes the smoke bomb, smoke bomb again.
This combo does around 1000-1500 damage in a few seconds, and no one (trust me, really no one) expects that much burst coming from you.
Posioner card reduces the cooldown on posion bolts, which reduce the cooldown on the smoke bomb (confound card), so don't miss those poisons.
Thanks to healing vapors card you're getting some sustain when you're in a trouble. Even though with level 2 it's just 200 HP, trust me, the amount of smokes you throw in a single game.. it really payoffs SO much.
Emergency exit gives you a nice save when ur f*cked up.
Also adding a short video (i don't really record a lot of paladins, and this is TOTALLY not the best video i've had, just a random one from my youtube):
By the way, from what I see, people don't really take this legendary card a lot.. idk, what's wrong with you, people. After I've tried this, I never picked the other legendary.
Items you are going to buy is pretty situative, as usual, but in a typical game (2 tank, 2 dps, 1 heal) I would get them like this, i think.
Caut -> Move Speed -> Caut Level 2 -> Move Speed 2/Heal on Kill (depends on how many heals you get, and how often you die) / Caut 3 / Move Speed 3.
Consider taking resilience, if you notice yourself getting stunned a lot.
Also, if you're willing to test this loadout out, PLEASE make sure to leave a comment about how did it go, I'm really curious.