Caut-free Khan!

by Sirenaaa
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Storm of Bullets
Your weapon fires 40% faster and has 10 more rounds, but deals 25% less damage per shot.
Eliminations reduce your active Cooldowns by 8-40%.
Receive 6-30% increased healing while your Bulwark is up.
Never Surrender!
Reduce the cooldown of Battle Shout by 1-5s.
Battle Shout
Ready for War
Increase the recharge rate of your Bulwark by 4-20%
Gain 150-750 Health.


Hi, my nickname is Sirenaaa, I'm diamond 2 player. I always try to find new unusual and interesting loadouts for different champions. Khan is one of the strongest tanks in the game and if you have nice Khan in your team, he can carry you to the victory. He has the best dps among tanks and that's why he can carry the fight - while other tanks are trying to survive on the point or flank with their flanks/damage dealers, Khan does damage. Amazing damage in few seconds. If you have great aim, you can melt any champion 1 by 1, if you have great sence of how and when use your abilities, you can fight and damage two and more opponents long enough till your team will come to help you. I have been surviving with Khan in impossible situations and my enemies were strong enough, high elo games. This loadout increases heal, which means that you will get a lot of heals with supports like seris, damba, furia. If you have Jenos, this loadout is useless, since he is not about nice healing. First, you should buy rejuvenate 3. Second, when you need a heal, rise up your shield. With HopeGuard card you will get 30% more healing during your shield is active, so with rejuvenate 3 you will receive 70% healing. You will feel like your enemies have caut 1 instead of caut 3.
Of course, your enemies will get wrecker, that's why you have Ready for War card lvl 3. It will help you to recharge your shield faster once it goes down. However, you will have enough time to receive healing even with wrecker 3, of course if your healer is not idiot.

But don't forget that Khan is off-tank, don't stay near your healer forever, flank and kill your enemies. Just position yourself smart enough to retreat in right time and receive almost full healing, even if you are under Cauterize 3. Good luck!
