CC reduction low cooldown objective holding Barik

by luckynumberstefan
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Modify your Blunderbuss to fire a single slug that deals 560 damage.
Healing Station
Standing near your Turret heals you for 45-225 Health per second.
Bowling Ball
Gain a Shield with 300-1500 Health during Rocket Boots and for 4s after.
Rocket Boots
Brave and Bold
Gain 14-70% Crowd Control and Slow Reduction.
Combat Repair
Standing near your Turret heals it for 100-500 Health every second.
One Man's Treasure
Eliminations reduce active cooldowns by 10-50%


This build is designed to enable Barik big survivability on point. I will explain my card choices below: Healing Station IV + Combat Repair I - This is what will keep you topped up. You need to position your turrets smartly to maximise damage and turret safety. Your turrets need to be getting elims for this build to work. Bowling Ball II + Brave and Bold IV - These cards are what make you tanky. BB should only really be used to escape the moment after (or just before) you get CC'd, as this is usually when the enemy pushes. IMO, tanks should almost always run this card, but have a non-CC version of this build if it isn't needed. Just Rocket out of a bad situation everytime, get to a corner and pop a turret for heals if you realistically can't escape. One Man's Treasure IV - This is the main card of this build. Your turrets get you so many elims. This enables you to keep your shield up pretty frequently to help hold point and stay alive. Usually Barik has to prioritise a turret build OR a shield one, this enables both. You can use any other Legendary with this build. I prefer Tinkerin for it's great range and high damage, but the turret and fire rate cards work well too. You will get tonnes of elims, and hold point with the best of them with constant shields, turrets and bowling balls if you get in trouble. I usually get full Cauterise and Rejuvenation, followed by Master Riding or Haven/Blast Shield Make up your own mind here. Chronos isn't really necessary on this build but make your own judgement, you may need it if your team don't kill much.
