classic roadhog style

by Anonymous
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Gain 65% bonus damage on your first shot after hitting an enemy with Dredge Anchor.
Dredge Anchor
Lighter Cannonballs
Gain 7-35% Reload speed.
Sea Legs
Gain 6-30% lifesteal after hitting an enemy with Dredge Anchor.
Dredge Anchor
Tidal Grace
Heal for 50-250 Health per second during Shell Shield.
Shell Shield
Spring Tide
Shell Spin heals you for 250-1250 for every enemy hit.
Shell Spin
Reduce the Cooldown of Dredge Anchor by 0.5-2.5s.
Dredge Anchor


focus on the weaker opponents such as viktor who is in fact weak against you to your advantage. this will not just get you a good kill count but will leave the enemys frontliner alone and easy to pick off as well. but the are two enemy champions that you should avoid, zhin and drogoz. zhin is the less dangerous due to him not being hard to anchor but can still billow or do his other abilities. know that his billow is on cooldown before attempting to dredge anchor him to you and always make sure he is not using guillotine as his legendary card because this will one-shot you{even when you just ulted] due to guillotines affect. same case for drogoz, make sure he has ulted before saying "you challange makoa". but if this does happen make sure you have shell spin ready and use it to get out the way of the ult{this is easy if this is zhin your dealing with].
