Combat Medic Pip, solo healer build

by Ryner
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Combat Medic
Potion Launcher also Heals allies hit for 750. You no longer take damage from your weapon shots.
Heal yourself for 20-100% of Healing Potion's effect if you hit an ally but not yourself.
Healing Potion
Reduce the Cooldown of Healing Potion by 0.6-3s for each ally it hits.
Healing Potion
Medicinal Excellence
Increase the radius of Healing Potion by 8-40%.
Healing Potion
Generate 1-5 Ammo for each enemy hit by Explosive Flask.
Explosive Flask
Increase your jump speed by an additonal 10-50% while using Weightless.


Hi there, welcome to the Pip guide, I'm not someone that plays Pip a lot, but the buffs applied to him is slowly becoming more interesting and as it stands right now, you can certainly play him solo healer, not sure to ever be meta though, but the "Pip is offhealer/flank" is not the only option for him as it was few years back, here's how it works:

Pip is quite a support that requires time to get used to it, he's not relativelly hard to play that much, but getting used to his projectiles to hit far away enemies and hit your potions is not an easy task especially when your own team doesn't know what they are doing, you need to be aware of your positioning as your Healing Potion is the only means of healing behind walls, by the way, you can explode your Healing Potion mid-air by pressing the same button again, quite important to save Androxus, Drogoz.

And yep, this is why it's 5 points into Medical Excellence card, you need this at least on 4 points because in some maps it's hard to heal your flank when it's far from your team, as well getting easier proc on Gift-Giver and Reload cards(the Reload card can be toned down to 3 points thanks to Healing Ption reduced colldown buff that came with this patch), Sprint card is just to help a bit escaping and/or getting in position for high-ground areas(add more points into it if you feel like you can't keep up with your team). Smithereens card is just a great filler card for the early-game so you don't let ally die as you're reloading your gun.

As for items:
First item: Chronos, Deft Hands
Surprisingly enough, Deft Hands is a okay first pick for Combat Medic Pip, he needs to be constantly shooting to make good use of the talent, I still prefer going chronos first until I get Chronos 2 so Healing Potion is frequent enough to help the flank, then go for Deft Hands.

Second item: Chronos, Deft Hands
Yep, you want them both, without them, it'll be way harder to ever get 160k+ healing numbers at your end game panel as the enemy team gets Cauterize 2/3.

Third item: Haven, Blast Shields, Illuminate, Resilience, Master Riding, Morale Boost, Cauterize
This is where you pick depending on what you're dealing with, Master Riding or Morale Boost when you're rarelly dying.
Haven: Pip's 99.999% of his body is made of his giant head, or so what I heard from Kinessa/Strix mains, on a serious note, I believe the hitbox it's not that huge as the community usually says, but regardless of what support you are, you want to save yourself from getting killed by snipers and flanks so you want this item eventually.
Blast Shields: Same as Haven but Drogoz/Bomb King/Willo/Evie is the one giving the pain, buy this item if you see 2 splash dmg on the enemy team
Illuminate: You rarelly need this as your weapon and Explosive Flask does quite a bit of splash, but if you see 2 cloak champions like Strix/Skye/Sha Lin you may want this so they won't be the one getting the first shot.
Resilience: when there's 2 or more CC to snipe you down, including talents, knockback and ultimates, buy this so you don't get punished from being out of position as much as you would.
Master Riding: when you want to keep up with your team being on the opening of the round or pushing the payload, this gets more and more value depending on how much skilled your team is.
Morale Boost: when there's not much to punish you, you hate that 1 nasty champion specifically or seriously desperate for a capture point, his ultimate is very usefull and can be gamechanging, buy this one if you seriously need to combo ultimates or just punish someone from overextension.
Cauterize: Unless you have a second healer, this is not really that worth it unless you're conquering the match that your team does not need your healing, you're better off buying this for other talents than Combat Medic.
Fouth item: any of the ones mentioned that seems needed for the match.
