[D2] In-Depth Guide to Executioner Maeve

by TehSadPandah
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Street Justice I
Pounce deals 25.5-39% of the target’s missing health as bonus damage.
Reduce the Cooldown of Pounce by 0.25-2.5s.
Increase the speed bonus of Prowl by 5-50%.
Patch Up
Nine Lives now heals for 40-400.
Nine Lives
Street Cred
Increase your maximum Health by 25-250.
Walk it Off
Heal for 20-200 Health every second during Prowl.


The Somewhat In-Depth Guide to Maeve

~Everything in this guide is my personal opinion on how Maeve should be played~

-Hello! I am TehSadPandah. Some baddie that only really plays Maeve. I noticed that nobody really plays her anymore so i decided to make a guide for her to encourage more people to play her.
- Maeve was nerfed pretty hard. She's not all that terrible.
- There are two viable Legendary option choices for Maeve. Street Justice and Artful Dodger
- I will be focusing on Street Justice, because Artful Dodger is more of a situational Legendary against CC or if you wan't to play safer.
(If you are unfamiliar to Maeve's Mechanics then i would recommend you use Artful Dodger just for the pure utility of it. Any type of CC is extremely detrimental to Maeve and will likely result in you dying.)
- Street Justice = Execute . Street Justice can cause nasty burst damages if you are able to hit Pounce consecutively one after another using Nine Lives.
- I believe that Maeve is an all around excellent tank killer ATM.
Anyway. Lets get into how to play the Executioner Maeve.

General Gameplay Tips:
- Should go without saying, but don't stand still. If you are standing still as Maeve you are playing her wrong.
- Learn how to double-jump. If you don't then you will die. Simple. (Double jumping makes you hard to hit. :o No way!)
- Don't dagger spam blindly. Taking a second to aim and make sure both daggers hit can be the difference between a kill and having to waste Nine Lives to secure a kill. (Every Dagger Counts!)
Alternate Directions in between jumps. It makes Maeve very hard to hit if you alternate where you drift in between jumps.
- Jump as randomly as possible. The more unpredictable your jumps are the harder you are to hit.
- Learn the projectile fall-off for AAs. (This is just something you have to learn over time. Yeah... >o>)
- Learn to flick your mouse and predict. Maeve throws TWO daggers and they are thrown not at once but one after another which means you have to predict movement if you want to hit a moving enemy. (Heads up! Most enemies will be moving)
-Pounce is your only reliable means of escape. You are as squishy as jello. Make sure you don't use pounce into an enemy as initation unless: A) You are in Pounce Execute Range (50% HPish) or B) Your Nine lives is up and you can use it to reset the CD and escape.

General Combos (Be Flexible. There's no such thing as a "Rotation" in this):
Combos should be done while airborne. You want to be in the air the entire time because it makes you near impossible to hit or even see most of the time while attacking them.

Escape Combo: Pounce (Upwards or away from enemy), Nine Lives, another Pounce and then Prowl to safety.
If you are surrounded by enemies, Double Jump into Pounce upwards is the best option because you don't want to hit any enemy if you are using Pounce to escape.

Average Combo: Jump, AA, Pounce, Jump into another AA.
If you win the trade keep pressing the enemy. If not, then Nine Lives and Pounce away.

Nine Lives Extended Average Combo: Average Combo into Nine Lives, Pounce, Jump into another AA and Prowl for escape.

General 1v1 Dueling Strategy:
- Full HP Enemy(Non-Tank): Auto attack from a safe distance until hp is at 50-60%ish (40-30% for Tanks unless your Nine Lives is up)
- 50% HP Enemy(Non-Tank): Get into Pounce range using Prowl if you aren't in range already and use an "Average Combo"
Simple :o

For Tank Dueling it really depends on the tank. (If you are not running Street Justice then do not duel tanks.)
As Maeve you are super squishy and fighting against somebody with double your hp would be an issue if you didn't have such high chunk damage with Street Justice.
- The hardest match-up would probably be Fernando. Just run away from him and don't duel him unless you know you're better than him.
- For Makoa. You want to play safe until he misses hook. Then hes easy pickins. Most Makoa players will shell when they are getting close to death. That is a great indication of when you should go for the Execute.
- For Ash. Easy in general if you just play aggressively and jump around her to limit the cannonballs you take.
- For Ivara. You want to avoid the non-jump zone if she specced into it. If she doesn't have it then be aggressive. If not, then harass from afar.
-For Torvald. If you can survive through the nullify hes pretty easy bullet sponge.
-For Terminus. Bullet Sponge. harass from safe distance until low enough to Execute.

Alternating between Double Jumping and normal jumping from side to side while dueling can throw opponents off

Card Build :

Chase: Prowl speed is needed to initiate and disengage properly

Patch Up: Extra healing is always nice. Especially if not running Artful Dodger.

Shred: The more your Pounce is up the better.

Street Cred: More HP = Good for squishy targets. (Who knew?)

(Interchangeable Choice) Walk it Off: I like the extra HP Regeneration it gives.

Good substitutions for Walk it Off: On Edge, Savagery, Street Runner, or Scamper/Predation in that order.


First item: Chronos due to 2 seconds off the CD of Nine Lives if not taking On Edge.

Second-Fourth item: Cauterize 1-3. It's the best.

Third Item(Enemy Dependent): Haven = Direct Damage | Blast Shields = AoE Damage

Resilience early if against heavy CC | Illuminate if against invisible enemies such as Strix or Sha Lin are giving you an especially hard time.

Fourth Item: Probably wont get to it but get Kill to Heal because anything else is irrelevant unless you're getting pocket healed or have 100% AA accuracy.

That's it. If you liked my guide then Like it so that other people can see. If not. Sorry but oh well.
