Damage Furia

by MKhuslen
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When Pyre Strike hits an enemy it stops moving until its duration ends.
Pyre Strike
Solar Flare
Increase the Radius of Pyre Strike by 10-50%
Pyre Strike
Stoke the Fire
Successful Wings of Wrath attacks reduce the cooldown of Pyre Strike by 0.6-3s
Wings of Wrath
Increase the Stun duration of Pyre Strike by 0.1-0.5s
Pyre Strike
A successful Pyre Strike hit reduces the cooldown of Wings of Wrath by 1-5s
Pyre Strike
Burning Oath
Healing an ally with Kindle Soul also heals you for 105-525 health over 3s
Kindle Soul


Use this loadout if you want to play damage Furia. With this loadout, you win 1vs1 most flankers like Koga or Zhin. Koga can be easily dealt with if you are close to him. Use your Pyre Strike to stun him, the card Conviction stuns him for longer, and just keep shooting him until he dies. For Zhin, you want to increase the stun duration because Zhin can billow and heal up if times correctly. Burning Oath lets you heal up incase you get low in Health. The card Stoke The Fire IV, decreases the cooldown of your Pyre Strike by 2.4 seconds for successful Wings of Wrath(basically for each orb that hits an enemy the cooldown is decreased by 2.4). This allows you to spam your Pyre Strike and continue stunning people.
