Dangerously Adaptable Seris

by GobbleDix
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Soul Collector
Each Soul Charge you detonate increases your Maximum Health and Weapon Damage by 2% until you die. Stacks up to 15 times.
Soul Forge
Reduce the Cooldown of Restore Soul by 0.5-2.5s.
Restore Soul
Dark Whisper
Increase your movement speed in Shadow Travel by 20-100%
Shadow Travel
Nether Siphon
Heal for 50-250 Health every second while in Shadow Travel.
Shadow Travel
Umbral Gait
If an enemy is affected with a Soul Charge you move 8-40% faster
Spirit Leech
Every Second channeling Restore Soul generates 2-10 ammo.
Restore Soul


I'm still tweaking the cards but the concept is simple: Get max stacks and become a super sustainable support that is capable of protecting the backline, the ability to pump out lots of heals per usual, and the ability to flank when necessary. I believe people do not realize the advantage this buff in 1.4 to "Soul Collector" has given Seris yet. She has the ability to now out-survive other flanks in duels--Once the enemy has Caut 3, it becomes more difficult but with 15 stacks and a well timed Soul Rend, Seris has the equivalent of 4576 HP (no Caut). In other words, very tanky with dps of 910 basic attacks and a potential of 1310 dmg in a 1.3 second burst. Then add the fact you have very high move speed cards, you can get away or chase enemies effortlessly. Also, with great mobility mixed with stealth, you become extremely dangerous in flanking key enemies like backliners which are very easy to deal with under max stacks--Snipers take 3 body shots to kill you vs 2 on other supports. That and easy positioning for great ultimates. I originally came from Furia main but Seris has probably taken over that role as my support. This kit is just so adaptable to a single game and dangerous. And getting 15 stacks is easy to obtain if you do die. Just make sure to not overextend until you do get them up a bit. If a flanker has Caut 3 built up and is applying pressure on you, sometimes its best to Shadow Travel right after pumping 3 or 4 hits out on them, drop the caut on you, then come out to immediately Rend. This should put you at an advantage against that flanker as now you should have a surprise attack (from being stealthed) and back to full HP most likely while they are still wounded with potentially less than half HP.
Item focus: Chronos, Caut and Haven are my usual.
