Decimation Terminus

by LavenderCas
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Calamity Blasts deal an additional 100 damage each.
Calamity Blast
Necromantic Might
Reduce the damage required to generate a charge by 120-600.
Power Siphon
We Can Rebuild Him
Below 50% Health receive 5-25% more Healing.
Hitting an enemy with Calamity Blast heal you for 50-250 per hit.
Calamity Blast
Wrecking Ball
Increase the leap distance of Shatterfall by 10-50%
Hulking Monstrosity
Gain 150-750 Health.


1) Max Rejuvenate as quick as possible to maximize We Can Rebuild Him IV and make your healers life a lot easier late game
2) Mount as far as the enemy will let you then throw up your Power Siphon until the enemy stops shooting you or you get max stacks
3) Calamity Blast into the softest target you can successfully hit with all or most of the charges
4) Swing your Massacre Axe to pressure the tanks using your Power Siphon for spot absorbs on important enemy cooldowns, ultimates, or whenever the enemy is really focused on putting every bullet they have into you.
5) Hold down right click while you left click to ensure max burst every time your Calamity Blast charge comes back
6) Shatterfall will help you stay in range of fleeing enemies and slow them so they cant get away a second time
7) Fall back off the objective when your Power Siphon is below 50% and your Shatterfall is on cooldown, You should be safe to go back whenever you get topped off and know your healer is with you
8) Repeat steps 2-6 until you control the objective then push forward to zone
9) Save your ultimate for zoning pressure or times when you die out in the open and might possibly push an enemy into a bad position as they retreat from your Reanimate.
