double speed damba

by CaligolaGG
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Spirit's Chosen
Mending Spirits immediately Heals your target for an additional 250.
Mending Spirits
Eerie Presence
Reduce the Cooldown of Mending Spirits by 0.5-2.5s if you miss.
Mending Spirits
Reduce your damage taken by 4-20% while Healing an ally with Mending Spirits.
Mending Spirits
Snake Pit
Increase your Movement Speed by 4-20%.
Swift Spirits
Increase the Movement Speed of allies affected by Mending Spirits by 5-25%.
Mending Spirits
Many Gourds
Reduce the Cooldown of Gourd by 0.8-4s.


Since damba is a healer that require line of sight to heal others and his movement ability is his best defence option, you ran with snake pit level 3 (12% mov speed) to get that extra little mobility from the start of the match, wich is very useful to reposition, escape, and heal your teammates.
Snake pit lvl 3 stacks with pretty much no reduction with nimble. Buy nimble 1 at the start and you are going to have 19% mov speed (basically current nimble 3 from the start). Buy nimble 3 and you get 30%+ mov speed ( basically old nimble 3).

To introduce snake pit we sacrifice a couple of point from possession and swift spirits or 1 point from eerie precence, compared to the standard loadout you would use with spirit's chosen.
