Firing Line Khan

by LavenderCas
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Firing Line
Champions affected by Battle Shout now also deal 20% increased damage and gain CC immunity for 4s.
Never Surrender!
Reduce the cooldown of Battle Shout by 1-5s.
Gain 150-750 Health.
Eliminations reduce your active Cooldowns by 8-40%.
Receive 6-30% increased healing while your Bulwark is up.
Into the Breach!
Activating Battle Shout grants 8-40% movement speed for 3s.


1) Max Caut if you are going to follow a flanker max Rejuv if you are going to fight for control of the point
2) Follow your flanker or major damage dealer backing them up with your Battle shout, damage, and Commander's grab stun
3) Rotate back to the objective if your other tank dies or the enemy is pushing on your support with nobody else to help them
4) Use your Battle Shout to avoid big burst damage skill shots or ultimates
5) Use your Commander's Grab to cause the enemy tank to drop their shield or to peel a flanker off your backline
6) Put your Bulwark up when you are low health and need a heal retreating as you shield
7) Wait for your Battle Shout to come back off cooldown in order to continue steps 4-6
8) If your other tank can control the point go find a damage to boost again repeating 2-3
9) Push forward and zone the enemies once you have won control of the point, dont die or your team may lose the control you fought so hard to gain
9) Overpower the best player on the enemy team, usually you want your team to kill them for you but if they arent look to throw them off the map, try saving your ult past the 1 minute mark to insure you have it for the next point fight starting the fight 5v4 is a huge advantage
