Fly on the skewer

by magmategus
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Dragon Fangs
Dragon Stance consumes Health instead of Energy at a rate of 200 Health per second. Dragon Stance requires at least 300 Health to activate and automatically cancels at 15 Health.
Dragon Stance
Gale Storm
Generate 15-75% Energy after earning a Killing Blow with Skewer.
Heal for 40-200 after activating Shadow Step.
Shadow Step
Swift Hands
Reduce the time it takes to enter and exit Dragon Stance by 10-50%.
Dragon Stance
Guild Tactics
Heal for 160-800 after hitting at least one enemy with Skewer.
Something to Prove
Generate 10-50% Energy after falling to or below 50% Health.


Koga can heal better with Guild Tactics, but when enemy bought caut 3 you cant live only on guild tactics. it become from heal-to-live card to useless. But shadow step is the best way to throw caut from you and heal. If you will lucky and game will give you 75% of energy after complete kill(i know, Gale storm isnt that card that works correctly) you can dash twice, get heal and run away to get more heals via your support. I played a lot and with guild tactics you still can kill players under third caut, but you will get only one dash after it. so, with max gale storm you can stay alive more and run away if getting hot in backline. You can switch balance to 4 galestorm and 2 guild tactics for healing after flying, gale will give you enough energy to survive (if combined with card something to prove)
