Full Healer

by Bouvry
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Solar Blessing
Pyre Strike now stops on and heals allies it passes through for 300 health every 0.05s.
Pyre Strike
Light Forge
Reduce the Cooldown of Kindle Soul by 0.25-1.25s.
Kindle Soul
Burning Oath
Healing an ally with Kindle Soul also heals you for 105-525 health over 3s
Kindle Soul
Fire Siphon
Successful Wings of Wrath attacks heal you for 75-375
Wings of Wrath
Stoke the Fire
Successful Wings of Wrath attacks reduce the cooldown of Pyre Strike by 0.6-3s
Wings of Wrath
Pyre Walker
Reduce the Cooldown of Wings of Wrath by 0.6-3s.
Wings of Wrath


I have tested alot of different loadouts for Furia and find this one the best for healing your team and yourself. Because Furia cannot heal herself, there are 2 cards in this deck that give you some self-healing. Remember, the best healer is one that stays alive! This build got me 147K healing in a game of Siege (4/3).
You can import this built through import if you look for player "Bouvry" on EU servers.

There are 2 things you will have to learn for this build to be viable :
1. Getting the hits with Wings of Wrath (damaging enemies, healing youself and giving CD reduction on Pyre Strike)
2. Hitting your allies (Front Line) with Pyre Strike, which can be difficult if you stand too far away)

Legendary Card : Solar Blessing : IMO best for healing if your teammates know to stand in it. Dont forget, the Pyre Strike can still stun and damage enemies and with this legendary card it gives you one of the best heals ingame!

Card 1 : Light Forge IV : 1 full second CD reduction for Kindle Soul. A fifth point here has a too small difference (0.25 sec) to be viable.

Card 2 : Burning Oath II : Simple, a dead Furia cant heal. So heal yourself through healing allies. Great survivability card.

Card 3 : Fire Siphon I : This fillercard will keep you alive much longer since you are goin to spam Wings of Wrath. Don't forget : you are poppin' out 3 orbs with Wings of Wrath, giving you a potential 225 heal when all 3 hit.

Card 4 : Stoke the Fire IV : Not only healing yourself through hits with Wings of Wrath but also CD on the Pyre Strike. Hitting all 3 orbs gives you 7.20 seconds CD reduction on Pyre Strike. Again, Pyre Strike on allies is one of the best heals ingame and it can still stun and damage your enemies.

Card 5 : Pyre Walker IV : A much better card then Ignition (i did the mats) when you calculate how much you gain from it. Giving a constant! 2.4 second CD reduction on Wings of Wrath makes you poppin' out them orbs alot. Remember that these orbs reduce CD on Pyre Strike, heal you and they damage the enemy too ofcourse.
