Furia - Angel of Vengeance [v2/Spam Heal]

by Kcdra
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Solar Blessing
Pyre Strike now stops on and heals allies it passes through for 300 health every 0.05s.
Pyre Strike
Stoke the Fire
Successful Wings of Wrath attacks reduce the cooldown of Pyre Strike by 0.5-2.5s
Wings of Wrath
Light Forge
Reduce the Cooldown of Soul Kindle by 0.25-1.25s.
Soul Kindle
Light of Dawn
Allies affected by Soul Kindle gain a 100-500 health shield for 2s
Soul Kindle
A successful Pyre Strike hit reduces the cooldown of Wings of Wrath by 1-5s
Pyre Strike
Fire Siphon
Successful Wings of Wrath attacks heal you for 50-250
Wings of Wrath


In English:

This deck is focused on excessive healing during the match, it assures you speed at healing and a cure able to save any ally, this because we have Stoke the Fire IV which is essential to give maximum healing to your nearly killed ally. Excessive healing that can be achieved with Light Forge IV and protection against direct damage and blast damage with Light of Dawn III. Utility item I recommend for this deck is Chronos and only it. Unlike the Furia - The Angel of Vengeance [v1], this deck has a small self sustain, but I recommend reinforcing it with Kill to Heal for greater self sustain.

* This deck was lightly tested, but in my results it did well *

In Portuguese(BR):

Esse deck é focado em cura excessiva durante a partida, ele lhe garante velocidade na cura e uma cura capaz de salvar qualquer aliado, isso porque nós temos Stoke the Fire IV que é essencial para dar cura máxima para o seu aliado quase abatido. Uma cura excessiva que pode ser alcançada com Light Forge IV e proteção contra danos diretos e blast damage com Light of Dawn III. Item de utilidade que eu recomendo para este deck é o Chronos e somente ele. Diferente do Furia - The Angel of Vengeance [v1], esse deck possui um pequeno self sustain, mas recomendo que o reforce com Kill to Heal para um maior self sustain.

*Esse deck foi levemente testado, mas em meus resultados ele se saiu bem*
