Furia deck ( NIP bird )

by stormworgen
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Soul Kindle heals up to 50% additional Health based on your ally's missing health.
Soul Kindle
Incandescent Being
Increase your Maximum Health by 50-250.
Light Forge
Reduce the Cooldown of Soul Kindle by 0.25-1.25s.
Soul Kindle
Light of Dawn
Allies affected by Soul Kindle gain a 100-500 health shield for 2s
Soul Kindle
Burning Oath
Healing an ally with Soul Kindle also heals you for 105-525 health over 3s
Soul Kindle
A successful Pyre Strike hit reduces the cooldown of Wings of Wrath by 1-5s
Pyre Strike


French :

Le fameux deck de bird, ce deck est parfait pour heal complétement un dmg/flank, et un tank avec la moitié de sa vie retrouveras sa vie maximum. Furia est un personnage hybride elle fait un heal très bon et en bonus elle fais des dégâts comparable a une classe de damage, on la joueras d'assez loin mais pas trop pour pouvoir heal ses alliés, furia peut aussi facilement tuer un flank ennemi toute seul avec son kit de sort.

English :

The famous deck of bird, this deck is perfect for Heal a dmg/flank full life, and mid life a tank low hp. Furia is a hybrid character she makes a very good heal and in bonus she does damage comparable to a class of damage, we will play it from far enough but not too much to be able to heal his allies, Furia can also easily kill an enemy flank alone with his kit.
