Furia hybrid build

by Ryner
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Kindle Soul Heals up to 15% additional Health based on your ally's missing Health and its range is increased by 300%.
Kindle Soul
Burning Oath
Heal for 105-525 over 3s after Healing an ally with Kindle Soul.
Kindle Soul
Light Forge
Hitting Kindle Soul reduces the Cooldown of Pyre Strike by 5s. This effect can happen once every 20-8s.
Kindle Soul
Solar Flare
Increase the radius of Pyre Strike by 10-50%.
Pyre Strike
Inner Fire
Generate 1-5 Ammo after Healing an ally with Kindle Soul.
Kindle Soul
Incandescent Being
Increase your maximum Health by 50-250.


Hi there folks, welcome to Furia guide, this one can be used as solo healer but it's best suited for 2 supports, you're still playing as commited healer, but the idea is to bring stuns and damage if you can get away with.

Cherish talent is your go-to healer option, you need that range to save your ally flanks and help frontline with the 15% extra healing they can possibly get, her other talents are not that good, maybe the Solar blessing if your tank is Fernando or non-half-shell Makoa, so the third person screen can see the green beam coming.
Burning Oath card is pretty much essencial to her more so than other supports surprisingly, this is because you rarelly play passive with her.
Light Forge card is a okay filler card so you can spam beam once in a while as the cooldown of it is quite long, consider giving more points to it if you hate Raum or going with other talents, or maybe use Stoke The Fire card since her fire balls rarelly misses, don't reccomend using the escape for the sake of it tho.
Solar Flare is essencial, without it, you rarelly will hit someone unless didn't seen it coming, even then the enemies will notice it a mile away, with this card you can be more safe with it or roll the dice using it on a corridor area, just more odds of getting a lucky stun.
Inner fire card is a great card for Furia, I was thinking of Ruthless card but this one still takes the cake as Furia usually just needs to keep shooting for a while, the reload sometimes is life or death for her and this card can save you the trouble.
Incandescent Being is a very popular card and for a reason, it is your general answer to flanks and snipers to survive against them.

As for items:
First pick: Chronos, Haven, Blast Shields, Cauterize
Chronos: Stardard first item for healers, Furia is no different especially that her healing is burst-type, every reduced mini-seconds counts for her and helps in more beam spamming.
Haven: The entire team is hitscan and/or you have another support with you, you eventually want this item regardless, being on 2nd, 3rd slot.
Blast Shields: Same as Haven if you see 2+ enemies with splash dmg.
Cauterize: If you have a second healer and the enemy team does as well, then this buy is worth it

Second pick: any of the above, Nimble, Illuminate, Resilience, Morale boost
Nimble: Furia has no vertical mobility, especially in maps that there's a lot of buildings/walls you may want this to keep up with your team.
Illuminate: Skye/Sha Lin/Strix, this item is the answer to them, you don't want them to dive on you, you want them insie your pyre and use your shotgun-sword(beat this Lightning/Squall).
Resilience: If enemy has a lot of CC, be it ultimates, talents, knockback and especially silence, you want this item to not get so much punished for getting hard CC.
Morale Boost: I'd say this is an optional/greedy item to buy if you're not getting flanked at all, her ultimate is pretty good and great for the first engagement of the round.

Third pick: any of the above mentioned, Master Riding
Master Riding: great item especially if your team knows what they are doing, this item is great for opening of rounds or when pushing the payload, along with her ultimate it's very possible to setup a push.

Fourth pick: any item that seems needed for the match, maybe Deft Hands but the Inner Fire card already does a lot of shooting for you.
