Healer but flanks don't like me

by Ryner
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Allies affected by your Astral Mark deal 15% increased weapon damage.
Astral Mark
Reduce the Cooldown of Astral Mark by 0.4-2s.
Astral Mark
Astral Cycle
Increase the duration of Astral Mark by 0.4-2s.
Astral Mark
Inner Peace
Reduce the Cooldown of Void Grip by 1.2-6s.
Void Grip
Falling Star
Reduce your active Cooldowns by 20-100% if a victim of your Void Grip dies within 4s of being hit by the ability.
Void Grip
Heavenly Pull
Increase the range at which you can use Void Grip by 10-50%.
Void Grip


Welcome to Jenos guide, here we have flank salt, "need healing" spam and "grand schemes", fortunatelly this build works with any talent, Luminary just a way of saying that I'm still being a healer, just making sure that you can annoy enemies because the Inner Peace card is pretty usefull.

I usually do builds related to solo support, but Jenos thanks to the nerfs you usually want a 2 support comp regardless of his builds, either way, you really want to start considering to bring utility to your team, the way you play as Jenos doesn't change much as you used to, but you're going to be a bit more agressive just to enable easier picks, not really to make a big play, but to make sure that they're under pressure and flanks has to go their way to burn their escapes to bother killing you.

Just remember that this is not a commited Luminary build, this one is all about flanks and dmg having trouble diving on you, Retrograde is pretty much obligatory otherwise Pip will beat you on healing, Falling Star along with Kill to Heal item is pretty nasty and the reason why I haven't considered Relativity, use that card if you didn't liked the Falling Star card, the Inner Peace and Heavenly Pull can be tweaked depeding on how much you can get away without getting hit, around 3 points on Heavenly Pull is a good spot to annoy Drogoz/Androxus.

For items:
First pick: Chronos
Even with the cd reduction cards his cooldowns are still pretty long, that is one of his major weakness early-on along with fairly low healing rate, this is why you either fully commit Luminary build, which is all about Astral Mark-related cards to abuse the 15% extra dmg, or do this build here, where void grip enables easier picks and punish overextension, this item makes sure that you can spread your healing around and void grip ready for whoever wants to shoot you.
Second item: Kill to Heal, Haven, Blast Shields, Nimble, Cauterize, Illuminate, Resilience
Kill to Heal: As said before, Kill to Heal is good on Jenos and sinergizes well with Falling Star card, important to patch yourself up and/or recover from flank attempts on you.
Haven: snipers and flanks would like to have a little talk with the ascended, you want Haven so you don't die as fast and escape.
Blast shields: if you noticed that eney team has 2 or more spalsh dmg champions then you may want this item instead of Haven.
Nimble: since this build doesn't use Lightyears card, you want to keep up with your allies, since it stacks well with his escape, it makes him even more slippery.
Cauterize: does work well with Binary Star talent, don't forget you're still a support tho.
Illuminate: you see either Skye or Sha Lin, you buy this so you can Void Grip them before they dive on you.
Resilience: if you notice more than 2 CCs, talents, knockback, ultimate, all of those included, you may consider buying this so they can't lock you down.
Third item: any of the above, Master Riding.
Master Riding: very good item to get in position, keep up with allies and reinforce when your team is pushing the payload, this item can be used to do a sneaky ultimate on enemy team, but that's more of a shenanigan than gamechanging potential, unless you managed to kill the best player of the enemy team, then that's a win-win lol.
Fourth item: any of the mentioned ones that seems required for the match.

Maybe someone would consider Morale Boost, but honestly I don't get this much kill potential in my experience, mostly you use to abuse the fact that the enemy is distracted so they take too long to react to it. Otherwise it's just a zoning tool, there will be someone to disagree, but for me Jenos ult is for big brain plays, punishing whoever is in a corridor.
