Focusing Lens
Deal 150 extra damage if you hit all 5 shots on the same target.

Eliminations reduce all active cooldowns by 1-5s.

Gain 8-40% Reload Speed.

Swapping to the spot of a dead Illusion spawns an illusion with 20-100% Health.
Dimensional Link

Activating Shatter heals your illusions for 20-100% of their Maximum Health.

Illusions move 8-40% faster during Shatter.
-Card Explanations- Encouragement V -> Just a great overall card that helps you spam more shatters and illusion out. Also helps if you want to get out of a situation after a kill with Dimensional Link. Ephemeral III -> Nice thing to have if you ping fast and spam attacks out to quickly kill your enemies, expecially with Focusing Lens. Rewind I -> You don't need this to be more than I, because if you tp to a dead Illusion you just want to heal up quick to get into the next fight or get back with naother teleport to heal your team. (Tip: When you teleport with no active illusion, you will tp to the position where your last illusion was. This is very good with Rewind. Many people think that you just tp randomly across the map and get disorientated very quickly.) Fracture II -> This makes your Illusion more likely to get to your enemies. Pursuit IV -> This is very good in combination with Fracture for the reason I already mentioned there. -Optional Card Replacements & Stuff- You can do Fracture III and Pursuit III or Fracture II and Pursuit IV, this just depends on opinions and sitiuational changes like how you feel like. -Buying Ingame- 1. Morale Boost (It's just so good with Ying's Ultimate; Try to get it at least Lvl 3) 2. Chronos (Helps spamming things out and can save you with Dimensional Link in a sticky situation where you otherwise can't get out) 3. Kill to heal (If you want to go aggressive you WANT to survive, this easily can be spot 2) 4. Wrecker/Cauterize/Bulldozer (This just depends on the situation, so I can't go in detail here) NOTE: If you want to play this deck how it's meant to, you will have to master Dimensional Link Placements, try placing your illusions passivly behind a wall or a corner where they can still heal your friends. If you chase down hurt enemies on a highground try placing a illusion there, teleporting to this illusion and getting the killing blow. You will have to absolutely know the in's and out's of Dimensional Link! Try to memorize where your last dead illusion was to get out of trouble with a nice teleport! If you don't do all of that then you will get disorientated and maybe teleport into the whole enemy team and die. Dimensional Link is the biggest learn curve of Ying, a good player can freak out or completely confuse any enemy they're facing with good teleports!