Dragon Fangs
Dragon Stance no longer consumes Energy, and instead consumes 200 Health per second. Requires at least 400 Health to initiate.
Dragon Stance

Wind's Embrace
Heal 20-100 Health per second while Agility is active.

Guild Tactics
Kills with Skewer restore 200-1000 health.

Swift Hands
Reduce the time to enter and exit Dragon Stance by 10-50%
Dragon Stance

Criminal Record
Gain 5-25% lifesteal while in Dragon Stance.
Dragon Stance

Trigger Happy
While firing SMGs increase healing received by 10-50%
this deck is great because this is a full on offense deck. It focuses on the legendary card dragon fang. This deck is mainly concerning on getting his health back when using his legendary card. the main tactic is to use criminal record, which grants you lifesteal. Keep in mind, when using this deck, your not using energy, so remember to always use agility to keep your health up. if you are low on health, use trigger happy to regain health. I would not recommend this to a low skill player, rather to a pro player. Since I'm an Androxus player, I have good aim, which is why I use this deck. if you can't land those skewer shots, then DON'T USE THIS DECK. Pro tip-Also, if in a sticky situation, like if you are 3 vs 1, and you have low health, then just use your ult,