"Ignore CC"

by Anonymous
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Increase your Ultimate charge rate by 60%.
Abhorrent Vista
Reduce the Cooldown of Ignition by 0.6-3s.
Sinister Allies
Increase your maximum Health by 150-750.
Tormented Fissure
Generate 25-125 Ammo after activating Ignition.
Shattered Essence
Each Soul Fragment gathered Heals you for 20-100.
Soul Harvest
Hellish Lodestones
Reduce your damage taken by 3-15% for 3s after activating Ignition.


<p><em><strong>Objective:</strong></em>&nbsp;People tend to use Juggernaut and the Enforcer talent to run over matches, but that can be hard countered by Stuns/Silences/Cripples. This build is focused on keeping Raum viable in the face of all that Croud Control (CC).&nbsp;</p>

<p><strong><em>Method of Success:</em></strong>&nbsp;Due to how easy it is to stop Raum from running over a match with the right abilities, The main two cards focus on giving Raum as much Damage Reduction as possible for as long as Possible.</p>

<p><strong><em>The Loadout Explained:</em></strong></p>

<li>Abhorrent Vista V - While quite a few people like to use Void Lord to grant themselves DR,&nbsp;that card is attached to the activation of Soul Harvest, with no way to reduce the Cooldown of the ability other than buying Chronos. Through the use of Abhorrent Vista, Raum will have his DR up more often, due to the inclusion of Hellish Lodestones.</li>
<li>Hellish Lodestones V - As stated above, Void Lord is the common DR card Raum uses, mainly becuase it has a higher value of damage metigation. However, since this build if going for uptime on DR instead of the more impactful in the moment, Raum should beable to have more Damage Reduction over all, and have it when he needs it since the cool down is much shorter and both cards last for the same duration.</li>
<li>Tormented Fissure III - Raum takes a fair bit of time to reaload his weapon, and to spin up his gun as well, to help metigate those issues, Tormented Fissuer was implemented so that everytime Raum uses Ignition (which he`ll be doing a lot) he refills a portion of his ammo. When Raum has a single level of Chronos, This means Raum theororitically never has to reload as he will be topped off everytimes he activates Ignition.</li>
<li>Sinister Allies I - Just a filler card to grant a bit extra Health for the enemies to try and burn through. If you would rather a different Level One card, feel free to replace this one.</li>
<li>Shattered Essence I - Just a filler card to grant a little bit of extra healing.&nbsp;If you would rather a different Level One card, feel free to replace this one.</li>

<p><strong><em>Talent:</em></strong>&nbsp;Earthsplitter will probabbly be the best choice most of the time. Normally people like to use Enforcer, but thats part of the Juggernaut build and wouldn&#39;t work very well in the situations this build is ment to take over in. The reason I picked Earthsplitter over Subserviance is because Raum&#39;s Ultimate, Cataclysm, grant&#39;s him CC Immunity. This means if a Jenos tries to Void Grip you after using Juggernaut, or to stop a Juggernaut, you can use your ult to get out of his lift. You can also use this to avoid Stuns and&nbsp;Knockabacks, so having this up much more often as a back up can putt in a bunch of work. Additionally, Cataclysm destroys all shields and deployable walls (Inara&#39;s Impass) and by nearly turning your ult into bassically just another ability, most of the other tanks will have quite a bit more work cut out for them to deal with you. Subserviance isn&#39;t really a bad option, but It feels outclassed buy the utility of Earthsplitter.</p>

<p><strong>Recomended Items:</strong></p>

<li>Red - Raum fires a lot of bullets in a shot amount of time, as such, Cauterize is a match made in heaven. Wrecker could work but probably is best left to other teammates. Deft Hands is pointless with the build. Bulldozer is super situational and probably a bad choice against anything other than Imani&#39;s Dragon due to the spread of Raum&#39;s Gatling</li>
<li>Green - Veteran almost always is a waste of credits, and that is amplifide when playing as Raum due to his large hitbox and how slow he is makeing it hard to get out of combat and hide to self recover. Rejuvenate is probably your best option should you have a trustworthy support, in the event that you don&#39;t have a trustable support Life Rip or Kill to Heal could work, but it&#39;s stituaional as to what you want. Kill to Heal would proabbly be better against enemies that play at a distance&nbsp;as it triggers on eliminations, meaning if your tickling someone at range and an ally finishes them off then you get a burst heal. Against teams that want to fight up close or have multiple tanks, Life Rip would probably be better as the larger hit boxes will turn them into heath pick packs for you (until they get Teir 3 Cauterize of course).</li>
<li>Yellow - Any of the Yellow cards could work out well for Raum, however Nimble and Chronos are the main two you want to pay attention to. Due to how much damage Raum takes from thrings like Tyra&#39;s Fire Bomb, getting out of the flames as fast as possible is super important. It&#39;s also good for avoiding other forms of area denial like Bomb King&#39;s Grumpy Bomb and Dredge&#39;s Kraken. Chronos is also good as most of is cooldowns are on the longer side, and when you have max Chronos, the Ignition DR is only &quot;off&quot; for one second at a time if you use Ignition as soon as the ability comes off cooldown.</li>
<li>Blue - Really not much to say, here. If champions that deal Direct Damage are an Issue, Haven. If the issues are Area Damage&nbsp;champions, Blash Shields. Gennerally you won&#39;t need Illuminate, and Resiliance is focusing Stuns or Channelled Silences&nbsp;at you.&nbsp;</li>

<p>Ideally you would be able to pick up Cauterize, Chornos, Nimble and Rejuvinate.</p>

<p><em><strong>The Match:</strong></em></p>

<p>If your the only tank on your team, you&#39;ll probably have to play as if your a main tank, contesting point and absorbing focus fire from the enemy, but Raum is a giant Ult Battery for the enemy and does better as an off-tank controlling one of the flank routs for his damage or flank companions and getting in the enemies face. Reguardless of if you have to be the main tank, or get to play as an off-tank, you want to be conservitive with Juggernaut as all it takes is a Fire Bomb, Nullify, Or Crippleing arrow, and your skill gets cancled. Try to wait out the skills that can cancel your Jaggernaut as long as you can and then use it after the threat is gone.&nbsp;</p>
