I'll not die, not yet Lian - Khan 2.01 loadout.

by MrNamu
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Storm of Bullets
Your weapon fires 40% faster and has 10 more rounds, but deals 25% less damage per shot.
Never Surrender!
Reduce the cooldown of Battle Shout by 1-5s.
Vigorous Defense
Heal 25-125 health per second while your Bulwark is up.
Into the Breach!
Activating Battle Shout grants 8-40% movement speed for 3s.
Eliminations reduce your active Cooldowns by 8-40%.
Gain 150-750 Health.


Well m8, Firing line is going to dissapear and so much people believes that is the end of Khan. But with his basic set, he's actually and he will still being one of the most useful tanks in-game, and now with this guide, we're going to take all the Khan dmg possibility without firing line and with the now best viable card, Storm of bullets.
In this uptade, you are not going to be capable of being an aggro main tank easily, you can do it, but you must be excellent timing your abilities. Btw, instead of being a hard main tank, you're a excellent, viable and destructive off-tank with this! Your mobility is pretty good and you can flank better than any tank with this. Let's do this by parts:

1-. Basic attacks: Now you damage is a constant semi-automatic gun, with a very great dps. If you aim is decent, you'll force te enemy to flee in most of cases.
2-. Bulwark: He's your best tool when you are in a trouble and battle shout is in cooldown. Use it to move to a defensive position and make a good use of the little heal. In a 1 vs. 1 duel (in flank routes in the most common situations), the Bulwark can help you to keep the domain of the battle if it is used correctly, regenerating hp and blocking all the dmg that the enemy can do. In a 2, 3, 4, or even 5 vs 1. duel, the Bulwark can't deal with much damage, so, be careful, use it only to block really BIG loads of damage.
3-. Battle shout: Without extra dmg, now it's a healing and rushing, giving you extra speed. Use it to escape and heal you (a tip, use the bulwark to anulate the caut effect and after that, shout with all your sustain and use the Joestar family tactic, R U N!), or to chase a enemy that tries to escape and anulate the dmg he has done to you. The heal by himself is your best friend, too, don't stop screaming and using your bulwark to have a big pile of HP. Also, this is a living counter, with the instant of immunity that Khan has when he's shouting, you can survive massive mounts of dmg without a scratch. Use this to counter Ults like Skye, one of viktor's missiles, Androxus ult, any dmg that you can block is allowed.
4-. Commander's grab: The other living counter; you can anulate any abilty, defensive, mobile; the intent of escape of the enemy, his shield (Makoa, nando, Terminus, another Khan), anything that he's doing is countered by your F. Only try to face him directly, because if you fail but you touch him, you'll bug and get exposed to the enemy.
5-. Overpower: Short boi. Throw him out of the bloody map or get him with your team and kill him with the impact. In the 2.01 will be a Skillshot, so, use your F first to move your enemy over your head, turn and catch him in the air.
