Firing Line
Champions affected by Battle Shout now also deal 20% increased damage and gain CC immunity for 4s.
Never Surrender!
Reduce the cooldown of Battle Shout by 1-5s.
Receive 6-30% increased healing while your Bulwark is up.
Close and Personal
Gain 8-40% damage reduction for 2s when hitting an enemy with Commander's Grab.
Eliminations reduce your active Cooldowns by 8-40%.
Gain 150-750 Health.
This build isn't 100% final you can tweak it as you see fit. What this build allows you to do is buff and heal teammates.
Never Surrender! : This card allows us to use our Battle Shout more often. Which buffs and heals ourselves/team.
Hopeguard: While not much more healing received it's helpful while you wait for your Battle Shout to come off CD.
Close and Personal: Allows us to be aggressive when fighting on the point/payload. Though I still wouldn't engage without having Battle Shout off CD just incase.
Lifetaker: Simply put this allows our CDs to come back more quickly especially our Battle Shout.
Platemail: Just and Extra 150 Health.
If you're going to change the build I would only sub out Close and Personal for a more passive play style.
You could possible run 5,3,1,5,1 with this build as well.