Storm of Bullets
Increase your Attack Speed by 40%, but reduce your damage-per-shot by 25%.
Reduce your active Cooldowns by 8-40% after getting an Elimination.
Close and Personal
Reduce your damage taken by 8-40% for 2s after hitting an enemy with Commander's Grab.
Commander's Grab
Increase your maximum Health by 150-750.
Martial Law
Generate 5-25 Ammo after activating Commander's Grab.
Commander's Grab
Open Fire!
Generate 4-20 Ammo after activating Battle Shout.
Battle Shout
The secret behind the cards:
Lifetaker - one of Khan's strongest cards. This allows our Battle Shout and Commander's Grab to load faster (14s * 40% = 5.6s for Battle Shout and 12s * 40% = 4.8s for Commander's Grab for each elimination).
Close and personal - When combined with Lifetaker, it works great because we can activate it much more often. Kahn has a problem with Commander's Grab as he is an easy target to kill. This card solves this problem by giving us a 40% attack damage resistance when we need it most.
Platemail - Provides 450 maximum health which should be considered for a level 3 card.
Martial law and open fire! - These two inconspicuous cards only cost us 2 tiers and provide 9 additional ammunition when we need it most (that's 45% of our capacity).
This often makes it easier for us to kill the opponent and reduces the cooldown of all skills.
Remember to turn on the shields and wait for cauterization to stop working before using Q. This gives us 1100 healing instead of 275. Unless you only use Q to replenish ammo and kill the enemy.